My Girls (Part Two)

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Day Eleven aka Christmas Eve:

My Girls (Part Two)

Ten Years Later

Luke sat on the couch his arms crossed and his foot tapping angrily as his glared at the door to his apartment. He then switched his glare to the clock, two am.

"Dad go to bed," a tired voice groaned. "Your tapping is annoying."

"I'm not going to bed until your sister gets home," Luke responded. "You should be in bed though."

"I got up to go to the bathroom but now I can't fall back to sleep with your tapping."

"Where did Thalia go Annie?" Luke asked his daughter.

"My name is Annabeth," she yawned sitting beside him on the couch. She swung her legs up on his own so he would stop his foot tapping, luckily for her he did. "And I don't know where she went. She doesn't tell me anything besides 'don't touch that' or 'that's mine'. She's sixteen dad," Annabeth said before another yawn. "You should teach her how to share."

Luke rolled his eyes and stared at the clock again as Annabeth curled into him getting comfy.

Damn what kind of father am I? Luke asked himself. I let my daughter run around people I don't know doing whatever she wants. Well I don't let her exactly. I always ground her- but then she sneaks out... Why doesn't she just listen? I'm only trying to do my best for her?

Luke thoughts were interrupted suddenly as the door to his apartment swung open and the light clicked on. In the doorway stood his daughter Thalia. The girl wore a leather jacket, black jeans, and black boots but Luke's eyes went straight to her hair.

She had cut it to be short and spiky a few years before but the ends of her hair certainly weren't blue last he saw her.

"You dyed your hair?" He asked.

"Aren't you great at stating the obvious," Thalia said with an eye roll. "So, wanna get this thing over with so I can go sleep?"

"This isn't just some thing Thalia," Luke told her.

"It is," she argued. "I come home past curfew and then you rant then we start over and repeat the next night."

"You don't understand it do you?"

"Understand what?" She asked crossing her arms.

"You don't understand how to be quiet," Annabeth put in climbing off her father. When she did Luke stood and then she laid across the couch.

"That you don't understand the downside to me not knowing where you are," Luke told her.

"Oh calm down. I always come back!"

"And what if you don't?" Luke argued. "I would have no clue what to tell the cops to find you!"

"Then I'd simply not want to be found! And stop being so melodramatic!"

"I'm not being dramatic! I don't know if you remember but back when you were six you ran away! I was a wreck because I had no clue where you were! I-"

"Too bad six year old me didn't know to stay away."

"Excuse me? Stay away from what?" Luke shouted.

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