Little Merman (Part Four)

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This is gonna be longer. But who cares? Also I entered Locked In in the Wattys2015. Cause... why not?

Also sorry for the awkward ending.


Little Merman (Part Four)

Piper stared at her best friend, her mouth hanging open. She shook her head and glared at him then smacked the back of his head.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for!?" He shouted.

"Don't be such and idiot Percy!" Piper shouted.

"Percy?" He repeated confused.

Piper stared at him for a moment her eyes widening. "Oh gods. You're serious."

Piper glanced to her shoulder where Nico the Crab sat. He clicked his claws together. Piper guessed he was saying something similar.

"So uh? I guess I'm Percy since you called me that twice..." Percy starts. "But uh who are you all?"

"It's me Piper," Piper says. "Remember?"

Percy blinks and stares at her blankly. "Okay... The rest of you?"

"I'm Princess Annabeth," Annabeth introduces herself. "These are my friends, Thalia and her brother Jason. We should get you both back to the castle," the blonde girl says. The others nod.

Jason helps Percy to his feet.

"Um..." Percy starts. "Why don't I have clothes?"

Eyes turn to Piper. "It's a long story..."

Annabeth nods. "Come."


"Why do you have a crab?" Annabeth questions.

She had lead Piper into the castle and to her chambers where she was busy looking for an outfit for Piper to wear.

"A crab?" Piper asks. Nico snaps a claw near her face. "Oh. Right um, Nico... He's uh- my pet. Found him once and uh kept him?... I really shouldn't be taking the clothes a princess," Piper says changing the subject.

"I insist," Annabeth protests. "I don't wear most of these anyway."

"The bath had been drawn," calls a voice.

Piper sighs seeing this is going nowhere. She takes the dress from Annabeth with a thank you before heading to the bathroom.

Piper places the clothes to the side and takes Nico off her shoulder.

"Dare you peak, and I will let them cook you and I will eat you myself," she threatens.

Nico covers his eyes with his claws. Piper nods and places Nico on top of the clothes facing the wall.


"So you really remember absolutely nothing?" Malcolm asks not looking up from his book.

Percy nods and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah... uh who are you again?"

Malcolm sighs and Jason shrugs. "Jason, he's Malcolm. And don't feel bad, we haven't met before today. My friends and I were walking along the beach when we found you and the girl who was with you."

Percy nods and looks at himself in the mirror. Malcolm had lent him some clothes and he now wears the clothes of a noble.

"Something wrong?" Jason asks.

"It's green," Percy states. "I prefer blue."

Malcolm rolls his eyes. "I'm dreadfully sorry, my blue one is being cleaned."

"Lunch is ready," a servant says walking in. Malcolm nods and leads the way and Jason and Percy follow but not before Percy trips over himself.


Piper walks down the stairs cautiously still not quite used her legs. She holds Nico in her hands. When they arrive in the dinning room she sees Percy and the other people she has been introduced to. She takes the seat across from him and places Nico on her lap.

"While we wait for the other two..." Thalia starts glaring at the two empty spots wanting to eat sooner. "Tell us what happened."

"I think she'd be probably pretty shaken up," Jason says.

"She didn't protest. And since when did you come some random chick's protector?" Jason blushes and takes a sip of his drink while Thalia smirks victoriously.

"Well?" Thalia asks looking to Piper.

Piper blinks and her eyes flit to Nico before realizing he can't possibly help. "We uh, went for a swim... and the current was uh- very strong..."

"We've arrived! Your lives have just gotten better!"

Piper thanks the voice which interrupts her. She looks toward the voice and freezes.


(A/N Wanted to stop here so badly)

Leo makes eye contact with her. "Beauty Queen? Percy? What the...?"

Piper springs from her chair and grabs Leo in a hug before slapping him clear across the face. "What the ****! We thought you were dead!"

Leo chuckles rubbing his now sore cheek. "Well uh..."

"Good to see you again Perseus," Calypso says slowly. Percy blinks.

"How do you all know each other?" Jason asks.

"Umm..." Leo starts. After a moment he grabs Piper (who grabs Nico) and Calypso grabs Percy pulling them into another room.

The others blink confused. "Can we just eat anyway?" Thalia asks.


"How!?" Leo shouts staring between his two friends. "And what's with the crab?"

"It's Nico," Piper says. "And Percy lost his memory."

"Nico's a crab?"

"We met the Sea Witch...."

"Explain everything."

"I'm lost," Percy comments.

"Come with me Perseus," Calypso suggests. "We should go eat with the others."


As they leave Piper begins to explain to Leo. Leo then explains who Calypso had saved and healed him with a bit of magic but it resulted in legs.

"Alright. Now we need a cover story for you," Leo decides.

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