I Thought It Was Dream

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Don't ask how I got this idea. Cause I don't know...

I dunno what this is.

I honestly don't.



I Thought It Was A Dream

Annabeth pulled her sweater closer to her as the breeze chilled her spine. She longed for her coat but she left it in her dorm in hurry to get to work.

Annabeth begins to pick up the pace.

She was tired after doing a double shift before closing the library. She walks alone on campus as the other girl who helped in the library-Ella had a date with her boyfriend Tyson and left early. And Annabeth may or may have not fallen asleep and woken up a few hours after she was supposed to leave.

Annabeth was so going to kill Drew for inviting friends into their room at 2:00 am.

Annabeth glanced around her in the darkness as she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She walked a bit faster wishing a campus bus would appear but with Mr. D in charge the buses never had a proper schedule. Welcome to Olympus University...

A foot step causes Annabeth to freeze. Her hand goes into her pocket searching for her key chain with its pepper spray attached. After a moment she keep walking.

More footsteps. Annabeth picks up the pace and then gracefully slips scraping her hand. She curses and stands ignoring her arm which is a bit red and a tiny bit of blood on it.

"Mmmm. You smell delicious..." A voice says.

Annabeth breaks into a run but still ready to fight anyone off. She had taken self defense for a reason.

She is stopped as a hand grips her arm pulling her behind a building too fast for her to react.

Annabeth throws punches and kicks all of which make contact but the hand on her wrist doesn't release. She had dropped her pepper spray and was really wishing she hadn't lost her knife.

"Let me go!" She shouts.

"A feisty one aren't you?" Comments the voice.

Annabeth is whirled around and her eyes meet sea green. But as Annabeth looks into them they turn bright red.

"Pretty too," he says pulling her into the light. Annabeth can see his mouth extended into a smile.

Red eyes, jet black hair, taller than her, about her age, and a lopsided cocky smile. But what is the strangest to Annabeth is his fang like canines.

Despite this Annabeth, she laughs.

The boy stops smiling and cocks his head to one side obviously not used to being laughed at.

"What's so funny?" He growls.

"Because this is a dream. Vampires don't exist. I'm still asleep in the library. I've just been listening to Drew rant about Twilight too much."

"Don't mention that evil thing," He says shaking his head. "I'm going to kill the woman who wrote that one day. Portrays my kind all wrong."

"Your kind?" Annabeth scoffs attempting to pry her wrist from his grip. Surprisingly he releases her.

"Yes my kind," He says simply.

"And your kind hate Twilight?" Annabeth asks playing along with this bizarre dream.

"Yes. We die in the sunlight. We do not become disco balls."

Annabeth laughs again.

"Your a strange one."

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