Down the Aisle

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Down the Aisle

Annabeth looked at herself in the mirror. She fidgeted with her dress. Piper grabbed her hands and gave her a small smile. Piper pulled her friend in a hug.

Neither said a word but the hug was enough. Hazel soon came in looking for the two. Annabeth shooed both off as she needed a moment with her thoughts.

"You look nice."

Annabeth turns to face her mother who surprisingly pulls her daughter into a hug.

"Thank you," Annabeth says quietly.

Athena walls with her daughter out the door. They walk down the halls together and stop outside the doors of where the ceremony is being held.

Annabeth steps away from her mother. Her father comes and gives her a hug.

"It will be okay," He tells her. Annabeth nods mutely.

Her parents step inside and Annabeth takes a deep breath and opens the door.

Eyes turn to her.

She doesn't look back at them. She stares straight ahead looking at the altar.

She hears the whispers as she walks down the aisle but she pays them no attention. She tries not to show her true emotions.

Her heart won't stop pumping, how she is about ready to faint.

But one thing at a time. And right now she has to take the long slow walk down the aisle to the altar.

She places one step in front of the other thinking about something other than her nerves.

She immediately pictures something that makes her happy. Percy. Everything about him. His smile. His eyes. The stupid things he says.

She loves them all.

Annabeth is taken out of her thoughts as her foot hits the altar. She walks up and stands at the altar looking over everything in the room. Taking it all in.

Her eyes find Sally. Tears flow down the mortal woman's face but she doesn't brush them away. Next to her Paul bites his lip in pain from his wife's death grip on his hand.

Annabeth closes her eyes and when she opens them again she can feel as tears prickle her eyes. Everything seems so real. And so unbelievable. She never thought she'd make it here. But yet here she was.

Faces of those she loves watching her.

Everyone dressed in black.

Tears down every face.

The casket not to far away.

Annabeth takes a breath as she glances down at the casket and leans into the microphone.

She is about to speak but words get caught in her throat. Tears start to flow and she wipes them on her black sweater.

"You don't have to," Thalia tells her oldest friend places a hand on her hers. Annabeth shakes her head and grips Thalia's hand like a life line.

"I have to," Annabeth says looking to Thalia's puffy eyes.

Annabeth turns back to microphone.

"I-I met Percy when I was twelve..."


Yeah. I just did that.

Always_Love_Books_ accused me of killing Percabeth. And when I killed them they always, get back together. So here it is Twila! I actually killed Percabeth this time!


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