Four Corners (READ THE A/N)

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Hey Guys!

So this is NOT PJO!!!!!

I know. I know disappointing. So if you don't like ignore this one. Little Merman 2 is next I'm just having trouble writing it. I'm indecisive about stuff.

Otherwise keep reading. This is a really weird thingy I came up with when I couldn't fall back to sleep around 4 am and later wrote down.

So... yeah... Oh, This has swears. Get over it.

See Ya Creeps!


The Four Corners:

The Fairytale That Never Was (For Good Reason) and the weirdest thing so have ever written.

Once upon a time in a land somewhat far away there lived a King and Queen. They ruled the rather large kingdom of Amill.

The two had three children. Triplets to be exact. One girl, Kenna and identical boys, Lancaster and Matthew. Despite being triplets all were very different in personalities.

When they were 14 is a good example...

Their father had sat upon his throne his three children sat on theirs facing the man to be sentenced. He had stolen a large sum of money from his employer.

The king watched the man and had then looked between his children. "Children? What do you think should be done with this man?"

Matthew was the first to speak. "I say we let him go. Maybe the money was to help someone. He should get the benefit of the doubt. Let him free father. Don't you-"

Lancaster interrupted his brother with a groan and an eye roll. "You're too soft brother. He was just being a greedy ass."


Lancaster ignores his brother. "I say we kill him. I just got my sword sharpened. Let's slit his throat!"



"That's enough boys," The King says. "Kenna?" He asks having some hope for his daughter.

"Ugh Dad! I'm try to read a scroll!" Kenna took the scroll from the servant standing there and reading with a chuckle before taking a piece of parchment. "L-O-L," she wrote says each letter before handing the letter back to the servant who ran off.

The King sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Anyway you get the point. Matthew is kind, too kind, Lancaster is violent and Kenna doesn't care. That's just how they were.

Though life changed drastically one autumn day when the triplets were older. The King had heard news of a battle approaching and had rode of his horse. He never came back.

No one attacked and there was no word of the King. No one even knew if he was dead. The kingdom began to fall into disarray. The Queen mourned too often to be of service. Leaving the children.

Each were at this time 20 years of age but none could decide on a way to decide who became ruler. So they split the kingdom into four.

A section or corner for each of the children and one for the nobles and their mother. With the center where they all touched as neutral ground.

Though with three four separate cities in one kingdom things became confusing...

In Matthew's corner a crime would not leave a harsh punishment if one was even given. So his attracted many criminals. He tried to be nice to all commoners which eventually landed him a girlfriend, a commoner.

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