I'm Gonna Have Myself a Real Good Time

355 13 0

February 16, 2005

Let me fill you in on what's been going on for the past week.

The boys put together the Just My Luck soundtrack by compiling a couple of songs they've written for their next album, along with a song titled for the movie that took Tom about two days.

Speaking of Tom, he'd gotten completely over his virus after four days.

I had met up with Liam for dinner and had been emailing him and calling him using Dougie's phone, since Harry was an arse about it. Liam and I officially declared our relationship status after he told me don't fall in love with any American boys while you're gone.

I told the boys. Tom and Danny reacted great...Harry didn't seem too pleased, and Dougie didn't say much, but when does he ever?

Saying that the boys were overly excited for the movie would be an understatement. However, with great privileges come great responsibilities, and Fletch set out three major rules for the boys:

1) No questions

2) No arguments

3) No messing around with Lindsay Lohan

"Yeah right." Dougie replied. "Like she'd want to get it on with any of us."

Fletch established that the boys, him and I would all be living a couple rented hotel rooms for three weeks before returning to the U.K. This was no problem. I could handle five guys for three weeks, right?

Then again, sometimes I couldn't even stand Harry for three minutes.

And now, it was the first day for the boys to film. They all got one Winnebago to themselves as their trailer and we all waited for them to get called to set.

"I'm nervous." Danny says, rubbing his hands on his jeans.

"Why Danny? You play in front of thousands of people but you're afraid to perform in front of a camera?" I ask.

"We've not had acting lessons Lilly." Harry says. Even he seems nervous.

"Everyone else here sounds so different than us." Tom adds.

"Well they're American." I say.

"I know." Tom says. "I just figured there would be one other British person on set who we could muck about with."

"You've done it again mate." Harry says pointing a drumstick at Tom.

"I've done it? You just spoke the most English sentence I've ever heard!" Tom says.

"Wait...are you guys trying to talk like Americans?" I ask.

"Not the accents. Just the slang." Harry says.

"That ridiculous!" I say. "They hired you for your accents. Just be yourselves." I smile. Suddenly a women with blonde hair and an earpiece walks in.

"Hi boys." She smiles.

"Hi." They all mumble.

"You should be called to set soon. In the meantime, Danny?" The lady asks. Danny looks up at her through his fringe and turns beetroot red. "Could you come outside with me?" Danny nods, following the women out and giving me a nervous glance before stepping outside.

"Oh no. They're going to pick us off one by one." Tom says.

"No they're not." I say, trying to calm them.

"What do you think they want with Danny?" Dougie asks.

"I don't know." I answer.

"Probably telling him his accent is too thick for any of the American audience to understand." Harry says.

"Stop it Harry." I say. "You'll be fine. The worst they'll do with him and trim his fringe. It's getting outrageously long." All the boys gasp. "Oh settle down. I'm kidding."

It wasn't long until Danny came back in the Winnebago with fringe just as long.

"What did they want?" Tom asks immediately.

"Mates, you'll never believe what happened!" Danny yells, excited. Did they get another scene?

"What?" Harry asks standing up.

"Lindsay called me to her trailer!" Danny squeals. Oh no

"What?" Harry asks, grabbing a piece of paper I hadn't noticed was in Danny's hands. "Dear McFly boys." Harry reads as the rest of the boys hustle around him. "I wish there was a way to personally and individually greet you to America. I do love the complexity of your heritage."

"Oh god." I say, slouching back on the couch as Tom shushes me.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to make time for that. Instead I will pick you up tonight outside your hotel at seven for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in New Orleans. Love always, Lindsay!" Harry exclaims, finishing the note. Great. The boys haven't even gone to set and Lindsay Lohan is already breaking the third rule.

"Awesome!" Tom exclaims.

"I can't wait." Harry says, holding the note to his chest. I stand up.

"Hello? Earth to McFly!" I yell, waving my hand in front of Harry's face. "You've not been on set yet and you're throwing aside all of Fletch's rules!"

"Lilly please!" Danny begs.

"We're not going to shag her." Dougie adds. "Just Dinner."

"But if we did shag her, you wouldn't care because you have a boyfriend now." Harry says. I look at him.

"Please? Get with any of you? I wouldn't if we were the last people on earth." I say. Although that's a lie. I'd get with anyone if the world really depended on it. "It's not about me, or you, or Lindsay. It's about the rules Fletch sets for you, and the fact you never follow them."

"Please, please, Lilly?" Tom begs. "We're in America and the most popular girl has asked us to dinner! No funny business. Just dinner."

"Please?" Harry asks.

"Please?" Danny repeats.

"Please?" Dougie follows.

I sigh.

"McFly to set."


Wonderland // McFlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora