The Way That I'm Feeling After Five Cups of Coffee

218 8 4

May 11, 2011

When I woke up, I immediately noticed that Dougie was not next to me.

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran around towards the door to leave the bedroom, but before I could get out, Dougie comes out from the bathroom door and grabs my shoulders, blocking me.

"I'm sorry!" He says quickly.

"You asshole!"

"I'm sorry!" He repeats himself a few more times. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it any longer. I really had to piss." I feel myself instantly relax at his rude remark. Classic Dougie. I could almost laugh.

"What time is it?" I ask, as he lets go of my shoulders, and I look around disoriented.

"Seven."Dougie says. I had slept for about four hours. It wasn't a lot, but it was the most sleep I had gotten in a long time, and I felt better.

"Well Harry and Danny will be here any minute." I say.

"I know. My bag's in my car. Are you packed?"

"Almost." I say, going in my closet and throwing a few more things into my bag before changing and putting some shoes on. When I walk out of my closet, Dougie isn't in the room, but I don't feel worried. I just walk out and look over the banister downstairs. He's by the front door with Harry and Danny. They all look up at me.

"Ready, Lil?" Danny asks. I smile.



By the time we get to the barge, it's already eight o'clock, and we still haven't gotten any word from Tom.

"You don't think he said no, right?" I ask, as we walk with our bags towards the boat. "I mean it's been a while and we hadn't heard anything."

"Relax." Harry says, genuinely. "Chances are, if he's with them longer, they're less likely to have said no."

"You think?" I ask.

"Oh yeah." Danny continues. "Could you imagine? 'Can I marry your daughter?' 'No, would you like to stay for dinner?' That's just not happening." He has a point.

We make our way onto the barge, and as long as it is, it's still quite narrow.

"Wow. 'Let's go on a vacation and rent a tour bus on the water'. As if we don't spend enough time in those." I say, looking at the bunk beds.

"I call sleeping next to Dougie!" Harry calls out, as they both set their bags on the bunks closest to the floor. I sigh, expecting Tom and Danny to want to sleep next to each other, so I put my bag on the highest bunk.

"I'm starving!" Danny calls, and I walk out to the cramped kitchen.

"Well...did we even bring food?" I ask.

"Of course!" Danny replies. "This place comes with a working kitchen! You thought Chef Jones wasn't going to bring food?" He smiles.

"Alright. So what do you have in mind?" I ask, Dougie and Harry come and join us.

"Spaghetti Bolognese!" He says, taking a box of pasta, a jar of tomato sauce, and onions out of his bag. "I've got more groceries in the fridge!"

"Geez Danny!" Harry laughs. "Pack light much?"

"Yeah." Dougie laughs. "With all that in your case we'll sink the ship!"

"It's a barge Dougie." I say. "Not a ship."

"Now, now." Danny says. "My sous chefs can't be fighting."

"Sous chefs?" Dougie, Harry and I ask in unison. Danny laughs.

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