Gonna Keep on Playing

177 8 0

June 27, 2013

"Boys!" I yell, running down the hallway to get into their studio. I could barely keep my bag on my shoulder, and the papers I had in my hand. "Boys, boys, boys, boys, boys!" 

I burst through the doors, smiling widely. 

"Lilly, relax, we can hear you from down the hall." Harry says, turning towards me. I smile, walk up behind him and throw my arms around him. 

"Boys!" I yell again, just to annoy him. 

"What's up Lil?" Tom laughs. 

"I have the best. News. Ever." 

"What is it?" Danny asks excitedly. 

"Well it comes with an anecdote." I smile. 

"Oh no." Tom laughs. "Buckle up, Lads." I let go of Harry and start walking around the boys, who are sitting on chairs and a sofa. 

"Let's take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we?" I ask. 

"Uh, we just did." Harry laughs. "Remember? That tour we just finished...like, last month." 

"The year is 2004." I begin, ignoring Harry. "The McFly boys are young, naive, and about to play the New Year's bash at the London Palladium, but first, they must rehearse." 

"Oh no." Tom sighs. 

"It's December 30th, and after-" I put my hands on Tom and Harry's heads, "These two get in a big fight about a drum roll, we cut to a worried Danny Jones and Lilly Greene sitting on the steps outside this very studio." I walk over to Danny. "And Danny said to Lilly-" I look at Danny and raise my eyebrows, as if to tell him to finish my sentence. 

"Oh I have no clue, Lilly. My memory is not strong." He shakes his head. Great. There goes the dramatic effect. 

"He asks me if McFly is coming to an end." I say, placing a hand over my heart. 

"But it didn't." Tom reminds us. 

"So this is a story about Danny being wrong?" Harry asks. "What else is new?" 

"Shut up." Danny smiles. 

"And guess what I said." I continue, ignoring them again. 

"I'm guessing you said no?" Dougie asks. 

"I said no." I ignore Dougie. They all chuckle. "I told young Danny Jones that McFly would last for a long time. Because those four boys had a special connection. He asked me if I thought McFly could last for ten years, and guess what I said." 

"I'm guessing you said yes?" Dougie answers again. 

"I said yes." 

"Wow, who would have seen that one coming?" Dougie says sarcastically. 

"And I told him that they could have a big celebration when McFly did last for ten years. So guess what I have to show you boys now." I smile. 

"A big celebration?" Dougie questions. 

"A big celebration." I say. 

"Lilly, I'm gonna stop answering these questions." He says, getting frustrated. I snap at him, still smiling. 

"No you won't." I say. 

"Lilly, you didn't have to do that. I was like...twenty then." Danny says. 

"You were eighteen." Tom corrects him. 

"Same difference." Danny shrugs. 

"No...It's not the same difference. It's simple maths, Danny." Tom says. 

"Now, Danny Jones, being a Bruce Springsteen wanna-be, asked for a massive McFly concert for the ten year celebration, and he suggested some venues to hold it...do you at least remember those, Danny?" I ask. 

"No...but I think I could guess. It would probably be somewhere that I thought would be huge for us so...Wembley?" He asks. 

"That was one of them." I smile. 

"Hyde Park?" He asks. 

"And?" I ask. 

"And...um..." He looks up. 

"The Royal..." I prompt him. 

"The Royal Albert Hall?" Tom asked. I immediately point at him and put my other pointer finger on my nose. "You really thought we could play at the Royal Albert Hall, Danny?" 

"I don't know!" Danny shrugs. "Let a boy dream, jeez." 

"What if I told you I booked you a show at one of those three venues?" I say. 

"Wembley." Dougie says monotonously. "My bets on Wembley." I slowly shake my head. "Then Hyde Park." I smile even wider. 

"Is it Hyde Park?" Tom asks. 

"Nope." I say quietly. 

"You did not get us a show at the Royal Albert Hall." Harry shakes his head. He genuinely doesn't believe me. 

"You're right, Harry." I say. "I got you two shows at the Royal Albert Hall!" 

"Sod off." He repeats. 

"See, I thought you would have this reaction." I say, picking up the papers I had abandoned during my monologue. "So I brought these!" I pass them To Harry and the three others crowd around him. 

"Booking, Lilly Greene, McFly, blah, blah, blah." Tom says. He points to the paper as he reads. "September 19, 2013 to September 20, 2013...The Royal Albert Hall." 

They all look up at me. 

"Oh my God!" Danny screams. 

"I know!" I say excitedly. 

"First off, how?" Tom asks. 

"I've been planning this for months. You don't just get asked to play the RAH." I say. 

"The RAH?" Dougie laughs. I nod. 

"Okay, but we need to look at the facts, people." Harry says. "We're not going to be able to sell an adequate amount of tickets for two shows at The Royal Albert Hall, it seats like five thousand people." 

"You can do it!" I reassure. "Think about how many times you guys have sold out Wembley! And that seats like twelve thousand!" I say. 

"Yeah but...it's different, Lilly. It's the Royal Albert Hall." Harry says. 

"He has a point." Tom says. 

"Then do something big!" I say. 

"Like what?" Danny asks.

"Invite guests, debut songs, get naked, I don't know!" I laugh. "Do what you always do...it seems to have worked before. And promote the hell out of it." 

"Promote the hell out of it?" Dougie asks. 

"Yeah. Use that new-fangled social media you all love so much." 

"Oh Gosh, okay Grandma." Tom laughs.

"I'm just saying! Get crazy!" I say. 

"I thought you were supposed to keep us from getting crazy?" Harry smiles wickedly. 

"Yeah, well...after ten years, who gives a shit, really?" I ask. The boys all look at each other. "Besides, you said it yourselves. Fletch and I work for you. You don't work for us." 


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