I Need a Change

252 9 4

November 1, 2006

Let me catch you up.

Harry, Danny and Tom loved Transylvania and decided to make it the fourth single on their third album. The producers were also very happy they found such a hit in such a short amount of time.

The boys had also released their second single, Star Girl back in October. And yes, it was number one on the charts. The album was coming out in five days, and the next single was coming out in December. I can't quite remember the name. Something about being sorry...

But today was my 19th birthday.


"Lil? Lil wake up! It's your birthday!" I hear Dougie say quietly. I groan. Too early for celebration. "Come on Lilly!"

"Okay, okay." I say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. All the boys, Izzy, Gi and I were supposed to meet at Tom and Gi's at 11 to 'celebrate'. I told them I didn't want to, but they all said I had no choice.

It's nice to have friends.

As soon as my eyes meet the light of day and adjust, I see Dougie with a card in his hand and red cheeks.

"Dougie." I say, swooning a little as he hands me the card. The front says I like your face I laugh and look over at Dougie before opening it.

Dear Lilly,

Happy 22nd birthday! Wow your old! I hope you have the best day ever. You deserve it.

I love you!

Dougie x

P.S. I was kidding about the old thing

I lean over and give him a quick kiss.

"Thank you Dougie." I say.

"But that's not all!" He says, leaping out of bed. I groan again.

"Please no. Please don't tell me you got me a gift." I say, falling back on the bed. Dougie re-enters the room with a small box in his hand. "No!" I say.

"Hold on alright." He says sitting on the bed and grabbing my wrist to pull me back up from laying down. I sit up and look at him. "I asked Tom what he got Gi for her last birthday and he said he got her a necklace with a T on it."

I cringe at the thought of wearing a necklace with a D initial, and It must have shown on my face.

"Don't worry. I thought that was stupid too. But Tom said that girls love jewelry that reminds them of you...I don't know. I tried my best." He says handing me the box. I laugh as I open it.

Inside of the box is a necklace with a small pendant of a bass guitar.

"I actually really love it." I say.

"Really? You don't have to just say that."

"No Dougie...I really love it...Thank you." I smile at him. He looks down and I take it out of the box to put it on.

"Um...anyways do you want to go to Tom's first or me?" Dougie asks.

"I'll go." I say, kissing his cheek, because I knew he felt awkward, before getting up to get ready.


"My turn!" Harry says, handing me a gift wrapped in green paper. I smile at him and proceed to strip the paper off the gift to reveal a picture of Harry himself.

"Oh...thank you, Harry. It's...." I begin, trying to sound thankful. "You."

"I'm just kidding." Harry says, handing me a different gift, wrapped in the same paper.

"It's from both of us." Izzy says. I smile at her as well, and tare open the new gift to discover a book. Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science.

"Oh thank you!" I say. "I've just finished Gray's Anatomy. This will be perfect!" I say, getting up and hugging Harry and Izzy.

"You've read the whole thing? Cover to cover?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. It was great too." I say. Harry laughs.

"Alright. Tom and I." Gi says, handing me a big box. I open it to find my very own CD player, with some CD's.

"We all picked our favorites so you could listen to something other than us." Tom laughs. There's a Beatles CD, Bruce Springsteen, The Police and of course, Blink 182.

"I'm going to go get the cake." Danny says, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen.

"What about you Dougie?" Tom asks. "Where's your gift to Lilly?"

"I didn't get her-"

"He gave me this necklace earlier." I say, pointing to the necklace on my neck. Dougie looks at me like you shouldn't have said that. So what? They won't know anything.


"I...I didn't know we were...formally exchanging." He says, nervous.

"It's pretty." Izzy says. "It really catches the light."

"Hey Lilly? Could you come here really quick?" I hear Danny call from the kitchen. I laugh.

"Oh what has he done." I laugh, getting up and going to the kitchen. When I get in there, Danny pulls me into a corner, without giving me time to think.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Here." He says, reaching into his back pocket, handing me an envelope. "It's your birthday gift."

"What is it?" I ask, looking up at him.

"You and Dougie have been dating almost a year. You love each other, right?" He asks.

"Of course but wha-"

"You haven't been on one proper date." He says. "Not even to the movies or something."

"Yeah but...we do stuff...at home." I say.

"I know...but it's not the same." He says. "I booked it. Tomorrow. It's only for one night so that you can get back in time for press and no one will be suspicious. It's the nicest hotel in Bolton I could find. There won't be any paparazzi. Go out to dinner or something. Just get out."

I look from the paper to Danny multiple times. I can't believe he would do this. I hug him quickly.

"Thank you." I say, holding him tightly.

"I like to see my friends happy." He says. "It's the most important thing no matter what... and I'm sure everyone in that room feels the same way." I pull away from the hug and look down.

I know he's right, but I can't take the chance.


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