Where We Are Alone

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Get ready folks. Shit's gonna go down in 2007 and 2008....and 2009...and 2010.....

I don't know why my computer isn't letting me upload a picture so sorry about the absence. Hopefully there will be one next chapter!


December 31, 2006

Today was the annual McFly New Years party, which was being held at Danny's flat, due to the fact that he "was still living the bachelor's life", according to Tom.

So all the McFly boys, their girlfriends, and I arrived earlier than everyone else to help Danny set up, and as soon as we arrived, all the boys had beers in their hands.

So naturally, I got one too.

Everyone began to show up. Some unfamiliar faces, but also people I had brief encounters with like George and Matt from Busted.

It was very odd, considering this was the first new years party I wasn't on edge about, since it was no longer at the band house, and therefore, not against rules. I could finally relax.

"Lilly from McFly" I hear and turn around.

"Matt from Busted." I greet him.

"How goes it?" He asks.

"It goes well...and you?" I ask, taking another sip of my beer. I look and notice Matt has no drink in his hand, and seems a lot happier than he did at the last New Years Party.

"Quite good. I actually wanted to apologize for being such a dick to you last year." He says.

"What? No!" I try to cover. But yeah, he was kind of a dick.

"You don't have to cover up. I was totally relapsing." He says.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Matt." I say, sincerely.

"No worries. Been to the institute again since then. I think second time's the charm. Happiest I've ever been."

"It seems that way for all of you." I say.

"What, the McFlys?" He asks.

"Absolutely. The boys are happier than ever." I say.

"That's what a good job, nice house and pretty ladies will do." He says, winking at me.

"Oh...I'm not with any of the boys." I say.

"Their loss. I think you and Danny would make a nice pair." He smiles.

"Me and Danny?" I ask. "Why Danny?"I ask. I know I shouldn't ask, since it will make me uneasy, but I do anyways.

"Well...Tom and Harry are taken... and you and Dougie look like siblings. Danny's got that dark hair and light eye thing going on. It'll please a girl like you." He smiles.

"Right...well...against the rules anyways." I say. "Plus Danny's not my type."

"What is your type?" Matt asks.

"I don't know...not Danny." I answer. "What about you?" I ask.

"Oh me?" He asks. "I'm engaged."

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah. You know Emma Griffiths?" He asks.

"The presenter?"

"She all mine." Matt smiles.

"Really? Congrats." I say.

"Thanks. So...are you dreading when he comes in?" Matt laughs.

"Um...come again?" I ask.

"James!" He says. "God knows he clung to you like a bad rash...what was it...two years ago now? It must have been!"

"James?" I ask. What is he on about.

"Do you not know?"

"Know what?"

"Oh my-" Matt begins, laughing. "The lads making his first debut back from America tonight!"

"What?" James...is coming back? "Matt...I'll be right back...I need to go find...someone." I say.

"Alright! Good speaking to you mate!" He calls, as I begin to walk away.

It doesn't take too much shifting through the crowd for me to find Harry.

"Harry!" I call, but of course, he doesn't hear me over blaring music and people yelling. "Harry!" I yell again. He turns and looks at me.

"Hey! The Greene-machine! How can I help you Baby Doll?" He asks, clearly intoxicated.

"You didn't tell me James was coming back from America!" I say. Harry groans.

"Sounds Tomplicated. Take it up with him." He says, turning back to the party. So I sigh and set off to find the oldest member of McFly.

It takes a good 15 minutes, but I finally spot his bright blonde hair over the crowd and call out for him. When he finally notices me, he makes his way over and pulls me into a corner.

"How are you doing, Lil?" He asks.

"James is coming back from America?" I ask.

"Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot to-"

But then I hear the faintest sound through all the music and yelling of the door to Danny's apartment opening, and there he is.

Before Tom can even finish, I run up to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh my god, Lilly!" He says, sounding so much better than when he left.

"You asshole." I say into his shoulder, still holding on to him for dear life. "I was so worried."


James and I spend the entirety of the night catching up. He told me all about America, which sounds absolutely mesmerizing (considering I've only been to New Orleans for a little while, I didn't know much about the states). It never would have occurred to me two years ago that James and I would switch roles at the New Years party, with me now being the one clinging to James, "like a bad rash", as Matt said.

But, the night was winding down, and the boys were all standing on Danny's coffee table announcing the count down.

"So, as in classic McFly tradition..." Tom starts, looking at the other boys

"Five!" Harry begins, and they all join in.





"Happy New Year!" Everyone cheers out, as the boys hop off the table and find their girlfriends, or in Danny's case, a random girl.

Dougie rushes over and pulls me behind a corner, and starts to lean in.

"Wait!" I stop him.

"What? We don't have that much time!" He says.

"You always kiss my hand on New Years." I say.

"So you'd rather me kiss your hand?" Dougie asks, in disbelief.

"Kinda." I joke. and he gives me a sloppy kiss on my mouth making me laugh.


OMG IT'S 2007!

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