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April 3, 2019

I wasn't going to write an acknowledgements section for this story, since it's a fan fiction and not a real book, but considering what a big part of my life this has become, I figured what the heck!

I started writing Wonderland two and a half years ago, and when I started I knew exactly what I wanted this story to be. Even if, back then, I didn't know how it would end, I knew the most important thing about this story would be to accurately describe the journey McFly have been on through their careers. I never actually thought I would finish Wonderland, considering how long it is and how much detail had to go into it, and I never would have without some very special people.

First, I want to thank LilyB323. Lila is one of my best friends in real life and had been for quite a while before I started writing this story. For the two and a half years I've been doing this, I only just plucked up the courage to tell her about it in January, and though that's not a very long time, the time that she has known about it has been the most enjoyable to write. Lila, thank you for never making fun of me for writing a freaking 800 page fanfiction and for always helping me and reading chapters and leaving me funny comments. Without your help, I truly don't think I would have ever finished Wonderland and I don't know how to thank you enough (maybe with a latte or two). Lila just recently finished writing her first book called Magic in Costa Rica. It's a YA story that I helped her edit and it's really good so you guys should all go over and give her some love (and let her know if you come from Wonderland!).

I also want to thank mcflyvideos. Also named Lily coincidentally, she has helped me so much through this process. I'm not actually from England, so sometimes all the differences can get me really mixed up (like remembering to write mum instead of mom) and she was always there to help along the way and give me feedback. She also has some really good McFly fan fictions that I've mentioned before like "You're Lying", so please go check those out and give her some love!

I want to thank all of you for sticking with me. Sometimes it can feel like McFly fans are a dying breed, but the fact that so many of you have stuck with me through 169 chapters of absolute chaos no matter how long it takes me to update is amazing, and the added fact that so many of you have voted and messaged me to share your love for the story makes everything 100% worth it. Thank you so much.

Lastly, I want to thank McFly, obviously. I don't plan on them ever seeing this, as I'm sure they have better things to do then search up fan fictions about themselves, but if by chance any of them ever did see this, I want to start by apologizing. I know fanfictions can be a bit cringe, and I can't even imagine reading them about yourself, so yeah. I also hope, however, in some way, I've done them proud portraying their story. They all are so amazing and I've tried to capture their unique personalities the best I can. Anyways, thank you, McFly, for literally having the most crazy career ever and writing it in a book that I was able to use to help me along the way. Y'all rock, now please write album six (now let's party again)!

Until next time,



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