I Don't Ever Want to Spend Another Day Without You

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October 28, 2011

Harry had already started his journey on Strictly Come Dancing, and so far, he was actually doing very well, surprisingly. It was definitely a lot of stress, and he was constantly in the dance studio rehearsing, but at least at the end of the day he could go home and sleep in his own bed.

For Dougie, it was going to be a different story.

Today was his last day home before he would be shipped off tho some deserted Australian Island for I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!. He spent the beginning of the day with Lara, but she had work, so in the afternoon I filled her place.

When I went over, I could tell he was nervous.

"This is your thing, Doug!" I smile, trying to calm his nerves. "It's gonna be like living in a lizard sanctuary for a month!"

"Yeah. I know." He says. "It's not really the outdoors part that I'm worried about."

"Then what is it?" I ask.

"Being away from everyone." He shrugs, sitting down on the couch next to me. He had been pacing; Something I'd never seen Dougie do before. "Since the day I got in the band, there hasn't been a day that's past that I've not talked to at least one of the guys ."

"You're more worried about missing the boys than your girlfriend?" I laugh.

"Well, no." He starts. "She gave me this." He says, pointing to the pink headband on his head. His hair was starting to grow out again, and that headband had been good to tame his curls. "She sprayed her perfume on it."

"That's so sweet." I smile, not even caring to hide the cringe in that statement. I had met Lara, and she was extremely kind. I was happy for her and Dougie. So far their relationship was great. "If we find something like that for the boys, then you'll feel better." I smile, looking around.

"You want to give me headbands sprayed with their cologne?" Dougie asks, confused. "I'm good. Plus, I'm pretty sure the only one who wears cologne is Danny."

"No, I don't mean exactly that, I mean-" I suddenly get a bright idea, and pull a copy of Room on the Third Floor out of my purse.

"Uh...why do you have that?" Dougie asks.

"I always carry it with me...don't you?" I ask rhetorically. I slip the booklet out of the front cover and rip the front page with the photo of the young boys off.

"Hey! That's a collectable!" Dougie says, as I rip the booklet. I roll my eyes.

"I think I have enough collectables." I laugh. I fold the paper up very small and hand it to him. "There. It'll fit in your pocket. No one will even know it's there, other than me." I smile. But Dougie stops, unfolding the paper and looking at the photo.

"What about you?" He asks, confusing me.

"What about me?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"What do I do about missing you?" He asks. I was taken aback.

"Oh..." I start, but I didn't quite know what to say. "You won't miss me." I laugh. "You could do a month without my nagging." He shakes his head.

"No." He says, seriously. "I couldn't."

"Okay." I start, letting out a breath. Something for me.

I unhook the silver pendant off of my neck and put it on Dougie.

"There." I smile.

"But you wear this everyday." He says.

"And now you'll wear it everyday. Until you get back." I shrug. He nods, holding onto the pendant, like I always did when I worried.


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