Don't Worry

210 7 12

December 25, 2006

We were spending Christmas this year at Harry and Izzy's and the whole crew was there. After eating ourselves into oblivion and opening gifts, Danny started to divulge his love life to us.

It wasn't like it was anything out of the ordinary. Classic Danny, "shag a day, go away" style.

"Enough about you, you bastard." Harry says.

"What about you, Lilly?" Tom asks. "You haven't been on a date in ages."

"Yeah, that's true isn't it?" Izzy asks sweetly. "Since that boy you used to be with when we first met. What was his name?"

"Liam." I say. Harry scoffs.

"What a douchebag." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Harry!" Izzy scolds.

"No Harry's right. He was a douchebag." The better behaved Tom adds, which makes Izzy give Harry some slack. "But you should get out there a little more, Lil."

"I get out sometimes." I say. "And besides. I'm too busy for a boyfriend right now. God knows you hooligans don't leave me any spare time." I laugh.

"When's the last time you went on a date?" Gi asks.

"Come on guys, let's not interrogate her." Danny laughs casually, knowing more about the situation.

"Last month." I say. Not a lie.

"Where?" Tom asks.

"Some restaurant that was attached to a hotel."

"What was his name?" Harry asks.

"Alright, alright that's enough about me."

"See, I knew you were fibbing." Harry says.

"What about Dougie? When's the last time he had a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, cause that's really gonna solve the problem at hand." Dougie utters under his breath.

"Dougie's with girls all the time." Tom says.

"Plus, Dougie is Dougie." Harry adds. Dougie turns to him.

"Cheers mate." He says sarcastically.

"Come on Danny, back us up." Harry says.

"Nah I'm good." Danny says. Luckily they start talking about something else, but I wish they would stop bringing this up. I know they're just trying to help, but hearing that, and watching Gi and Izzy with Tom and Harry makes me angry. I should just say something.

"Actually-" I cut in.

What are you doing?

"What is it Lil?" Danny asks.

"Nothing. Never mind sorry." I say.

"Come on Lilly. You know you can tell us anything." Tom says.

"I...uhh...I was just going to clear up some of the dishes." I say, grabbing some dishes and heading into the kitchen before anyone could stop me.

I started washing the dishes, trying to take my mind off of everything.

"I'm sorry they were giving you a hard time." I jump at the voice and turn to see Gi. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no that's alright." I say, "And I'm not bothered. I know the boys are only trying to help." I laugh, turning the taps off.

"They are." Gi smiles, putting a plate down. "And...they are kinda right." She said.

"They are?" I ask.

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