The Skies are Clear

207 12 4

March 10, 2007

So, it had only been two days since the word was finally out with everyone, and at this point Dougie and I weren't even nervous about any of the fans finding out because at this point, what we had been through was much more troublesome than some moody teenage girls.

We had met up with the rest of the gang the night after I had told Fletch (and told Dougie that I told Fletch) and the other couples (and Danny, who had not brought Miss York) were ecstatic. Almost more than Dougie and I, I dare say.

"Well now you have to go on a date!" Tom exclaimed.

"We go on dates." Dougie said.

"A proper date." Danny said. "Going out and such."

"Yeah, no staying home." Izzy added.

"What would we even do?" I asked. It had been so long since the last time I had gone out on a date.

"What do you mean, 'what would you do?'! There's so much to do!" Gi adds.

"Yeah! Gi and I love the cinema." Tom suggests.

"Izzy and I love fancy dinners." Harry states.

"And mini golf is always great." Danny smiles. The other two couples stare at him, and he notices the awkward silence. "What?"

"Mini golf Danny? Really? It's their first date...ever." Tom says.

"Not technically." I say.

"Fine. Stick to the status quo. Don't come crying to me when you're bored." Danny says.

So, we took Tom, Gi, Harry and Izzy's advice, and here we are, two days later, ready for dinner and a movie.

Dinner was first, as Dougie and I had spent a while looking around phone books and such for good restaurants. We finally settled on a really cool place that served Thai food, which was exciting, since we never have had Thai, together at least.

Dougie and I decided that we should get the most different sounding things on the menu, just to have fun, however when we were served it turns out that we had both ordered some variation of sushi.

"Damn. I was hoping at least one of us had accidentally gotten noodles." Dougie laughs.

"Me too." I confess honestly. Nevertheless, we began to dig in.

"What's this?" Dougie asked, pointing to a glob of green on his plate, that looked like a sauce, but surprisingly held its shape quite well.

"I don't know." I say. "Why don't you try it?"

Dougie shrugs, taking it in his chopsticks and putting it in his mouth, but as soon as he does it hits me.

"Wait no that's-" I begin.

"HOT!" Dougie basically yells, as I shush him quickly. All of the other eaters around us were looking at us like we were some sort of Thai food amateurs. Which, we are, to be fair.

"Wasabi." I say, offering him my glass of water. It only took about four glasses for Dougie to stop complaining.

To be honest, I didn't like my meal much. The fish tasted weird, but of course I liked Dougie's company. And he seemed to love his meal.

"Can you believe raw fish can be so good?" He asked. I let the food between my teeth slip out back onto my plate as I cough.

"Lil? You okay?" Dougie asked, putting his hand on mine, clearly believing I was choking.

"I'm sorry come again?" I ask.

"I asked if you were okay."

"No, no...before that." I say.

"Uh...'can you believe raw fish can be so good'?"

"Raw fish?" I repeat. "You ordered raw fish? Why would you do that?"

"You did it to." He says.

"What?" I practically scream, drawing the attention of the other diners again.

"Yeah babe. That's kinda what sushi is." Dougie says. I feel my stomach turn.

"Could we just go to the movie now?"


The film sucked. Not only was the plot bad and the protagonist annoying (you really know it's a bad movie when you're hoping the bad guy wins and everyone is killed), but the whole time I felt sick. I know it was just my mind messing with me after knowing what I had eaten for dinner, but it didn't stop my stomach from gurgling the whole movie.

As Dougie and I walked out hand in hand towards his car, he turned to me.

"Truth be told, I'm not feeling too well." Dougie says.

"Well yeah that's probably because we just ate raw fish." I say. "I mean whose idea was it to even serve raw fish? Fish is like the one food you never eat raw and someone was like 'nah, sod it!'. Not a great idea." I say, holding my stomach.

"No, I've had's not like this." He says.

We drove home, and though the journey was short, I felt more and more sick through the whole ride, and by the time I stepped out onto the front yard, I felt it. I was going to be sick.

I quickly ran inside towards the downstairs bathroom and was sick. I hated the sushi the first time, let alone the second.

I sighed, washing my face over with cold water, probably smudging the small amount of makeup I had on, and started trudging upstairs. This was going to be a long night.

When I got into the bedroom, I heard similar noises coming from the bathroom connected to our room.

"Dougie?" I ask.

"Next time we should try mini golf." He calls out before getting sick again.


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