Was it the 13th Shot or the 12th Beer?

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Sorry it's taken so long. Updates will be more frequently coming!


June 7, 2006

Today the boys had to go to a press party, and I had to go with them, according to Fletch.

Currently the boys where just waiting for the release date of their third album, since all the songs were wrapped. Oh...except for the fact they didn't have name.

If there is one thing I've learned about McFly, it's that they learned how to put off naming their albums. It was clear to me that all the boys alone were quite indecisive, however I thought maybe if all of their uncertainty came together, it might cancel out. Four negatives make one big positive, right?

To be 100% honest with you, I don't really know what this party was for. I got ready and the boys and I met at Tom's house to head out at eight in the blue mini cooper, of course.

Due to the fact that I was the shortest, the boys made me sit in the middle in the back.

"I'll sit in the back." Dougie volunteers.

"Nah it's ok Doug. Danny sat in the front the last two times. You sit in the front." Tom says.

"Yeah Danny." Harry scoffs.

"No." Danny cries. Tom and Harry look at him confused and I feel like slapping my hand to my head. A little more obvious, Dan. "I need to sit next to Tom."

"Why?" Tom asks, squinting at Danny.

"Because...I love you?" Danny says, sounding more like a question.

"Ok now you're definitely not sitting next to me." Tom says, as we all pile in.

"Sorry." Dan whispers to me as I am squashed between him and Harry. I like being around Harry, but he makes me very nervous. With Tom, I can hide suspicions about Dougie and I, but if I mess up the slightest around Harry, I know he'll know...and then everyone else will too.

"Don't worry, Danny." I smile. Danny tried, which was nice. He didn't have to at all. When we get to the party, it's dark and I can see flashing lights from inside the venue. The music blares and I feel a vibration in my chest from outside.

I feel uneasy as I quickly realize this isn't a business type party. It's literally just a normal party.

"Tom." I called for him. He turned so I could catch up to him as we got out of the car. "You didn't tell me this was a party with your friends." I say.

"I said it was a party." Tom says.

"Yeah but I thought it was like...a...business party." I say.

"A business party? Oh god Lil, you really gotta get out more." He says. I sigh.

"Who's even hosting this party?" I ask.

"Our mate George." Tom says.

"Why've you never mentioned him?" I ask.

"I don't know. He's nice and all but only for a little while. Smells of vodka at eight in the morning and talks about his sex life too much."

"Doesn't sound nice to me." I say, feeling even more nervous.

"No...just because he does odd things doesn't mean he's a bad person." Tom says. I suppose...

As we get inside, Danny, Harry and Dougie catch up to us and we barely make our way through the crowd to a kitchen area.

"McFly!" I hear someone yell. I look over to see a beefy guy whose over six feet tall with dark hair walk over to us. He has a hamburger wrapped in aluminium in one hand and scruffy stubble covering his chin.

"George!" Danny says, as each of the boys give him only what I could describe as a "man-hug". George stops when he gets to me.

"And you are?" George asks, as his mouth turns up.

"Lilly. Our manager." Harry says, interrupting me. I stifle a laugh.

"What he said." I say, shaking his hand.

"And how old are you?" George says.

"Too old." I say. And he laughs.

"I can't believe we've never met. Are you single?" He asks.

"Ok George." Dougie says quietly.

"Yeah...seriously? Weird dude." Danny says.

"Just making sure she's not going to act like Fletch might." George laughs.

"Right. Tom laughs. "Anyways, you had a story for us?"

"Don't I always? George asks. "I shagged the most incredible girl last weekend."

"Of course you did." Harry laughs.

"No really mate. She was the most intelligent girl I've ever shagged." He says. "I was even feeling a bit insecure in front of her."

"You?" Danny asks.

"I know, right?" George asks another one of his infamous rhetorical questions. "But you know what? She taught me an important lesson."

"That being?" Tom asks. George laughs, opening his arms.

"It's not about the size of your boat boys...it's about the motion in the ocean." He says.

And then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Tom and Dougie look at each other and smile. I look over at them.

"What?" I ask.

"That's it." Dougie says, looking at me.

"What's it?" I ask.

"The name of the album." Tom says. "Motion in the Ocean."


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