I Death Stare a Hole in the Back of Your Head

289 11 3

January 12, 2006

It turns out, Danny had locked Dougie and I in our rooms by tying the doorknobs together with string. Needless to say, Dougie and I were not best pleased.

And we made that quite clear to Danny. We refused to speak to him all morning, and we even skipped breakfast with him.

It wasn't so much that Dougie and I were upset with Danny for locking us in our rooms (though maybe we should've been). It was more the fact that Dougie and I knew that Danny had told Fletch and the boys and we were in for a rollicking when we got home.

We packed all our stuff in the car without speaking. Dougie went in to get the last bag and I put my bag with my computer in the backseat. Closing the door, I looked up at Danny. I glared at him.

"Don't look at me as if I'm the one who's done something wrong." Danny scoffs.

"Don't look at me as if I'm the one who's done something wrong." I countered, and then decided to open the door again, and get in the back seat of the car.

When Dougie comes out, I see him too glare at Danny, and then instead of getting in the passenger seat, he sits next to me in the back, grabbing my hand and locking his fingers with mine. I sigh to myself.

Not long after, Danny joined us in the car and we began our journey back to London.

The ride was completely silent. And not a peaceful silent, but an awkward silent, and I couldn't stand it. This was probably my last day with Dougie as my boyfriend and we weren't talking.

About half way through the drive, with Dougie's hand still holding onto mine, I looked over at him. I didn't care if us talking in front of Danny was awkward, I had to say something.

"Maybe sometime soon you can take me to the zoo?" I whisper to him, trying to smile, even though I felt hopelessly sad.

"I don't think we'll be going to the zoo anytime soon, babe." He says sadly. I nod and look back up at him.

"That'll do pig...that'll do." I said, and Dougie laughed for the first time that day.


As soon as we pulled up to the band house, Dougie let go of my hand, and we went to start to bring some of our bags in.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Fletch, Harry and Tom sitting on the couch.

Great. An intervention. I think I much prefer a simple yelling from Fletch.

"Hey Lilly." Fletch says. I felt my heart start to pound. It's like that feeling when you know you're in trouble, and you feel it in the pit of your stomach, but you decide to deny everything. It's quite a terrible feeling.

"Lilly...there's something we need to talk to you about." Tom says.

I decided right then and there, that if these bastards were going to call me out, I was going down by myself. I was not letting them take me down.

"Oh get over yourselves." I say.

"Uh...what?" Harry asks.

"You know what? You all sicken me." I say dropping the bags. "Yes, sure, it's against the rules, but...who ever followed the rules anyway? I mean...It's not fair! Nobody did anything wrong!"

"Lilly, what are you-" Harry begins.

"And you!" I interrupt him.

"Me?" He asks.

"You're the one dating the violinist...I mean...that's got to be against some rule!" I yell. "And Tom brings Gi here all the time!"

"Lilly!" Tom says. I hear Dougie and Danny come in behind me. I look at them.

"Congrats Danny. You win." I say. I turn back to the boys.

"Dougie-" I begin.

"And I and Tom and Harry are moving out of the band house." Danny says quickly.

I turn to him, my whole train of thought lost.



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