Here's Another Line From The Heart

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March 1, 2005

Today the boys were filming the music video for their single All About You. All the boys, Fletch and all their crew were inside, but I was outside, sitting on the front steps, reading a book that Tom loaned me.

As McFly's manager, I spend most of my time going to rehearsals, being with them in interviews and occasionally booking gigs. Most of the big stuff was left to Fletch, including music videos.

It's not that I wasn't allowed to be inside with the rest of them, because I was. I just felt in the way and like I didn't really have anything to do inside, so I figured if someone needs me, they can find me.

It was pretty cold for March. Granted, it's always a little chilly in England, but it was so cold I had to wear my big winter jacket with a thick jumper underneath to keep warm.

I had been reading for about an hour I'd guess, when I heard a car door shut. I looked up to see James Bourne.

James must have not noticed me because he was by his car with his elbows on the roof and his head in his hands. I put my book down and stood up.

"James?" I asked, walking down the steps. James looked up and walked over to me.

"Lilly. are you?" He smiled.

"I'm good...why are you here?" I asked.

"Uh, I just needed to talk to Fletch really fast." He smiled at me, but he still seemed upset. Don't get me wrong James was annoying as hell that night at the New Years party, however he was a nice guy, and I didn't want him to be upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Do you know where Fletch is, by chance?" He asked.

"Well, he's inside, but I haven't been in there for like an hour." I say. "I reckon they've still not started filming yet, so he's probably in the dressing rooms."

"Thanks." James smiled, walking inside. That was weird. Nevertheless, I sat back down and continued to read.

An hour later I was ridiculously cold and decided that I would find a place to read my book inside. While I'm at it, maybe I could find James and see what's happening.

The first thing I saw when I got inside was the boys being rowdy while people setup the recording studio. I saw Danny playing the harp and I decided I needed to stop that before he broke a string or something.

"Danny!" I said, rushing over. I take the harp out of his hands and stood it up. "Don't mess with that!"

"Hey Lilly. Where have you been?" Danny asks.

"Outside." I reply as he gets on up from the chair. "Where's James?" I asked.

"He left over an hour ago."

"Do you know why he was upset?" I asked. Suddenly Danny just burst out laughing. "I...I don't get it." I say.

"Of course I know why he was upset." Danny says, wiping away tears from laughing. He smiles at me. "Busted broke up."


"So that's it? They just broke up?" I asked Tom while the crew was fixing the lighting for the next shot.

"They had a press conference. They released the news today." Tom said.

"But I thought you said they were on top of the world." I say.

"They were." Tom says. "Look, Lil, James was always the leader of Busted and nothing would ever change that. But Charlie always wanted to be the leader of Busted. He just wasn't. So he left for a band that he could lead...Fight Star."

"What kind of a name is Fight Star?" I asked.

"What kind of a name is Busted? What kind of a name is McFly?" Tom asks.

"McFly is a great name." I say. Tom smiles. "But they lived together. How can Charlie just leave?"

"Believe it or not, not all bands are like us. Charlie, Matt and James were always friends, but not like the guys and I. We're like brothers." Tom said.

"Aren't you a little upset Busted broke up?" I ask. Tom shrugs.

"They're just another boyband." He says. "Down goes another one."


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