Fire in Your Soul

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November 21, 2011

     Harry and Dougie were both still in their shows, and my thoughts were quickly going from, I wonder how far they'll make it to they could actually win.

     If Dougie made it through this week, he'd be into the semi finals, and had Harry just made it into the semi finals this weekend after performing in "Movie Night".

     So far, I'd only been able to go to three of the live shows for Harry, and the rest I'd watch on TV, but every time I saw him dance I was amazed.

     Usually we'd all get together to watch Dougie (or Harry, if none of us got tickets to the live show) on TV at Tom's. We'd invite Lara too, as she was quickly becoming one with our close knit group, but sometimes Harry would be at rehearsal or Danny and Georgia would be busy and it would just be Tom, Gi and I. 

Which it was tonight. 

Next week was Dougie's birthday and if he made it through, that meant he would be in the jungle for his birthday, but luckily this week the remaining contestants received letters from home.

They were each allowed two letters, so Dougie Got one from Tom and one from Lara. I didn't get to read either of the letters before they were sent, so I was interested to see what they said.
Tom, Gi and I sat around the TV, Tom and Gi on the sofa, and me on the floor, kneeling right in front of it,  watching as Antony, another celebrity on the show, read Dougie his letter.

"To our Mogley, Dude, Tom here." He starts. "I think it's fair to say that this year has not been the easiest year of your life, but I think it shall certainly go down in history as your most triumphant. You've got three band mates out here who are insanely proud of you. I think this has been the longest period of time that we've not seen you in the eight years we've been McFly."  I can tell Dougie is starting to get choked up, so he looks down. 

"Let's get you back home, write a killer album and get back on tour. See you on the bridge for an awkward hug." Dougie bursts out laughing, and I smile too. Antony flips the piece of paper over. 

"Aye aye, Captain." He reads and I smile. Lara and Dougie really were perfect for each other. "How's the jungle? We all miss you back home, especially me. You've been the best thing- oh I'm starting to cry now!" Antony calls out, laughing. It was clear everyone at camp was on the verge of tears, and you could say the same thing about us back home. "I'm not supposed to cry!" He takes a deep breath, but his voice is very shaky. "Meeting you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. You truly are the most special person I know and I am hook, line and sinker in love with you." Dougie bites his lip and looks back down. The camera cuts to Dougie in a private interview. 

"Hearing what my girlfriend said..." He starts. "Ugh, it was, like, the best feeling ever. And I did, like, super well up but I was biting the inside of my mouth to try not to burst into tears and make an idiot of myself." He smiles.

"Jeez, what am I? Chop liver?" Tom asks at the TV from behind me. The camera cuts back to Dougie with his campmates. 

"However," Antony reads, and Dougie starts laughing. "If you dump me for your new man-friend Mark, I will slap you round the face with a wet fish. You have been warned." Everyone laughs. She was obviously referring to the fact that Dougie had become such close friends with Towie star, Mark, who was also competing on the show this season. 

Mark, puts his arm around Dougie, still laughing and gives him a kiss on the top of his head. Tom and Gi laugh, but I can't help but notice my silver necklace Dougie has around his neck. 

He's holding onto it.


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