Laughing in the Sunshine

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July 2, 2012

Hair. You either love it, or you hate it.

My hair was something I'd never really cared about. It was always the same. It always reached to the end of my shoulder blade. I used to trim it over my bathroom sink with my Nan's sewing scissors until I met Mel. And then, she convinced me to get bangs and cut it to my shoulder. That was good. It worked. Then I let it grow out long because the salty air in Australia made it all highlighted and wavy, but now we're back here. We're in England where there's no salty air. My hair was outrageously long and it was the four b's: bone straight, bland, blonde and boring.

"Are you sure about this?" Mel asks, tying my hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, yeah." I say, hiding my face in my hands.

"You don't look sure."

"Mel, please do it before I change my mind." I say. She laughs.

"Okay. One...two...three." She starts to dig her scissors into my hair and before I know it she's holding up an outrageously long ponytail.

"Holy crap." I laugh, holding the ponytail. "That's a lot of hair."

"Yeah. And you've never dyed your hair so you could donate this." She says. "But first, we should probably even out the hair that's still on your head.


Today, the boys were filming the music video for the first single off of their sixth album. The album wasn't done yet, but the boys really wanted to release the song Love is Easy.

When I first walked in, no one noticed me. The boys were in matching suits, there were props all around being sorted out, and Tom had his little pink ukulele. I needed to find Fletch.

I walked onto the stage (we were in some auditorium that looked like it belonged to a primary school) and the first one who saw me was Danny.

"Woah!" He says, walking over to me. "Look at ya hair!" He takes the hair on either side of my face in his hands and starts lifting it up.

"You didn't tell us you were cutting your hair off." Dougie smiles.

"Yeah know. Fresh starts and all. Plus, it was too long. I donated it."

"Good on you, Lil." Harry says.

"So you guys haven't started yet?" I ask.

"No, no, we haven't." Tom answers. He's still holding the pink uke.

"Okay well I'll go find Fle-"

"Well actually, Lilly...we wanted to ask you something." Tom says, holding onto my arm, to keep me from walking away.

"Okay?" I ask.

"So basically, this whole music video we're recreating all the stuff from our past nine years as a band."

"Recreating?" I ask.

"Yeah." Harry continues. He grabs something from the prop table behind him. It's the box from the Room on the Third Floor music video.

"Aw." I smile.

"And we've got the panels from Five Colours, and a golf cart cut out for Obviously, and big backdrops that look like our album covers." Danny smiles.

"And since you've been such a big part of our time as a band...we want you to be in the music video." Tom smiles.

Okay...this was cool. Be in a McFly music video? I'd seen the boys shoot tons of music videos before (some of them really weird), but to be in one? That would be the coolest thing ever! To be able to say I was in a music video.

"Really?" I ask, excitedly.

"Yeah!" Dougie smiles.

"So...what am I going to do?" I ask. I look at a prop table and run over to grab their BRIT award. "Whatever it is, can I hold this?" I ask. The boys laugh.

"Not quite." Tom says. "But you've got a costume. It's backstage if you want to put it on."

A costume?

This was so exciting.


"Are you kidding me?" I ask, walking back onstage in my costume.

It was a giant bird mascot costume.

"It goes with the lyrics." Danny defends.

"You look great." Harry smiles.

"The feathers really bring out your eyes." Dougie adds. The boys laugh.

"You can't even see my eyes! I have to wear this big mask!" I say, lifting the bird head-mask and putting it over my head. The boys stifle laughs. "I thought I was really going to be in the music video." I hunch my shoulders.

"Aw, don't be down Lilly-Girl." Danny smiles, putting an arm around me.

"Fletch is going to be in the other one, if it makes you feel better." Tom smiles, patting my back.

"I guess that does kind of make me feel better." I say, smiling under my bird head.

"So...will you do it?" Dougie asks, hopefully. I do what I always do. I sigh.


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