One I Wont Forget

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March 14, 2014 

Two nights ago Tom, Gi, Matt and Emma had gone on a double date out to dinner after the boys interview with Fearne, and halfway through Gi went into labor. According to Matt, Tom started freaking out, but Gi insisted on everyone finishing their meal before heading to the hospital. 

And that they did. 

Dougie still wouldn't talk to me, but nevertheless, he, Danny, Harry and I tried to get into the hospital the night the baby was born (we still don't know it's name. Tom said he'll tell us when we see him in person.), but they didn't let anyone but immediate family in. We tried to lie, saying I was his sister, Dougie was his brother and Harry and Danny were his twin cousins from Poland, but Danny's accent was rubbish and they saw right through us.

Now, it's been two days and we finally get to go and see the baby. They would all be going home tonight, and we want to be able to see all three of them before they left. Once that baby gets home the witching hour begins. 

Harry picked Danny, Dougie and I up again, and we practically ran into the hospital. When we got to the front desk, I pushed in front of them. 

"We're here for Tom Fletcher?" I ask. The nurse at the desk types into her computer. 

"There's no one here under that name." She says. What? Did we go to the wrong hospital? 

"No, no, it's Gi Fletcher." Harry says. And I slap myself on the forehead. Of course. 

"Nope, no one." She says. 

"What? She just gave birth!" I exclaim. The nurse raises an eyebrow. 

"It might be under the baby's name." She says. 

We all look around at each other. 

"That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard." Harry says. 

"Language, Harry!" Danny exclaims quite seriously. "We're about to see a baby!"

"It's ears basically don't work yet, Danny." Harry squabbles. 

"Uh...we don't know the baby's name. They don't want to tell us till we meet him in person." I say. 

"Weren't you the people who tried to smuggle yourselves in the other day?" She asks, squinting at us. 

"Look, we don't know the baby's name but his parents are Tom and Gi Fletcher. It's a baby boy, now will you please just tell us where they are?" Dougie says. 

"No." She answers. 

"Well then what are we supposed to do?" Dougie asks. 

"Well," She moves aside and picks something up out of a filing drawer. She puts a a heavy stack of papers on the counter in front of us. "You could take this to a court and legally have the parents give you guardian position allowing you full access to see the child at all times." 

"Are you kidding me?" Harry practically yells. "The kid's gonna be off to college by the time that's done." He motions to the stack of papers. 

"Also, we don't want that done." I say, pushing Harry aside. We were having enough problems, the last thing we needed was a Harry Judd freak out to deal with. "Look, we're the Aunt and Uncles to this kid...well, not blood relatives, or anything...we're his dad's best friends. And not marriage or anything. No, God no, I'm not married to all these gits. It's not like a sister-wives situation." I ramble. 

"I think in that case it would be a brother-husbands situation." Danny pipes up. 

"For the love of God, Danny, be quiet." Harry groans. 

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