Pathetic Explanations

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QOTC: What's your favorite song lyric?

AOTC: "We all look the same in the dark."


Boxing Day, 2004


My plan is to stay tonight at the boys and then go home. When I wake up in the morning, I head downstairs to see all the boys in the kitchen, crumpets that I bought them the other day.

"Hey Lil." Harry says.

"Hi." I say.

"Have a crumpet." Danny smiles, passing me a plate with a toasted crumpet on it.

"Thanks." I say, beginning to add butter. I walk over to the table with my plate and take out my new laptop and check my emails. The first one is from the people running the New Years Eve Bash.



Dear Lilly,

We would be thrilled to have McFly play at our annual New Year's Bash! It will surely attract a younger audience! Make sure the boys show up on December 31st at 7:00pm. They're allotted to perform at about 9:00pm to 9:15. You should plan on three songs.


London Palladium Staff

I get up and walk over to the boys.

"I have great news!" I chirp.

"What?" Danny asks, eating a massive bite of his crumpet.

"You all have a gig on New Years Eve!" I say. Harry sucks in a breath.

"No can do, Lilly." He says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because we're throwing a massive party on New Years Eve." Danny says.

"Fletch says your not supposed to have parties." I say.

"Fletch says a lot of things." Tom gives the classic remark.

"Aww come on guys! This is the first gig I've ever booked and I want Fletch to be impressed." I say. The boys look at each other, and then at me.

"Where is it?" Tom asks.

"Uhh..." I run back over to my laptop and check. "The...London Palladium." I say. I look back up at them, and they're all standing there, with their mouths agape. Danny drops his crumpet on his plate.

"Well, we can do the party another night." Tom says and the boys nod.

"Maybe we should have one practice before then?" I say, but it was more of a question, since I knew the boys didn't want to have a practice.

"I guess." Harry sighs.

"Look up mate." Danny beams, picking up his crumpet. "It's the Palladium!"

"They said you should plan to do three songs." I say.

"Okay." Tom says, grabbing a piece of paper from the side.

"Five Colours." Danny says, and the boys nod. Tom scribbles it down.

"Obviously?" Dougie asks, and they agree.

"One more." Tom says.

"Room on the Third Floor." I say.

"Are you sure? That Girl is a bigger hit." Harry says.

"Please?" I ask. I liked all the boys songs, but Room on the Third Floor was my favorite.

"Yeah." Tom says, writing it down.


Later on, Danny and Harry had rescheduled there New Years Eve Party for New Years Day.

"You should come, Lilly." Danny smiles.

"I don't know Danny. I've never been to a party."

"If you get freaked out, you could always go up to Tom's balcony. No one else would be up there." Harry says.

"No, no thanks." I say.

"But you made us change the day of our party." Danny points out. That's the smartest thing I've ever heard him say.

"Okay, fine." I say.

"Sweet." Danny says, returning to what he was doing.

I go upstairs to use the bathroom, but when I open the door, I see Tom standing in front of the mirror.

"Oh, God! Sorry." I say.

"No, it's fine Lilly." He turns to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Looking." He simply states.

"Looking for what...and why aren't you in your bathroom?" I ask.

"Because this bathroom has a better mirror." He says. "I think I need a haircut."

"Call Mel." I say.

"Mel's on break. I want to get a haircut before Africa." He says.

"What do you mean, before Africa?" I ask. He looks at me suddenly, with fear. "Tom?" I repeat.

"Danny!" He yells running past me.

"No!" I say, grabbing him, and trapping him in Harry's room. "What are you talking about Thomas?"


"Tell me."

"Fletch doesn't want me to." He says.

"Since when do you follow what Fletch says?" I ask.

"Okay." He sighs. "At the end of this month we're going to Uganda with comic relief."

"What?" I say. "Why wouldn't Fletch want me to know about this?" I ask.


"What?" I ask.

"He doesn't want you to go." Tom says. I'm sure if someone asks me if I want to go to Uganda, I would say no, but something about Fletch not letting me go makes me really want to go.

"Okay, that's fine." I say.

"Oh good, your not going to tell Fletch I told you." He sigh.

"Oh, no I am." I say.

"What? You don't tell him we smoke weed and have parties, but you tell him I accidently told you about a business affair?"

"Preciously." I say.

"Why?" He whines.

"Because as Fletch's employee, he shouldn't hide these things from me." I say. Tom huffs a breath.

"I think I'm just going to let my hair grow out." He groans, leaving the room. 


Wonderland // McFlyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora