I've Grown Up

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February 6, 2007

Motion in the Ocean Tour: Hamburg, Germany

Today the boys were on tour in Germany and earlier I had received an email regarding graduation from the A-levels program I had been enrolled in for a while now. The only problem was that is was on the last day of tour. I knew I would have no problem with Fletch letting me take the day off, but I had wanted to ask Dougie to come.

I walked into the top level of the tour bus where Dougie and Harry were playing Xbox, while Tom and Danny were still in the venue because at sound check they, "didn't like their sound."

"Hey guys." I say, standing by the doorway.

"Hey Lil." Harry says still focusing on the screen.

"Um...Dougie could I speak to you for a moment?" I ask.

"Sure." Dougie says, pausing the game.

"Ooooooh!" Harry exclaims, knowing that Dougie had a crush on me, and that I knew Dougie had a crush on me.

"Sod off." Dougie says back to him as we walk out of the bus. "What's up?"

"I got an email today about graduation." I say.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah...and I was hoping you'd go." I say.

"Of course I'll go." He smiles.

"Yeah..." I say, looking at the ground.

"Oh no what is it?" Dougie asks, leaning in closer to try and get me to look up.

"It may, or may not...be on March 1st." I say.

"The last day of tour?" Dougie asks, clearly a bit angry.

"Do you think there's anyway you could work it out?" I ask.

"Lilly, are you serious?" He asks. I shrug. "Even if I could, which I can't, me literally skipping a show to go to your graduation is like exclaiming that we're in a relationship to the entire world!"

"I know...you're right. I just figured I would try. I don't really want to be all alone." I say. He sighs, getting less angry.

"I'm sorry." He says, as I feel him hug me, tightly wrapping his arms around my shoulders and placing his head on mine. "I would go if I could."

"I know you would." I say.

After that, Dougie goes back to play video games with Harry, and I walk him back. I turn around to leave, but before I can get out of earshot I hear their conversation.

"What was that about?" Harry asks.

"Oh, just some bass stuff I had to take care of." Dougie says casually.

"So you didn't get lucky?" Harry asks. Dougie laughs.

"No mate."

"Sorry mush." Harry replies. "One day she'll realize how amazing you are."

"Ehh." Dougie says. "Not too worried about it."


After that, I had been in a pissy mood all afternoon backstage. After the show, when the boys were still sweaty and we were back on the bus, we stopped off at a petrol station to get some snacks because the boys were "starving".

Harry and I went in, while the rest of the boys stayed on the bus. We got crisps, biscuits, drinks, sandwiches- the whole nine yards.

The whole station was abandoned other than the teenage boy at the counter.

When we were finished, we put all the stuff on the counter, and I took out my band credit card, gifted to me by Fletch in case the boys had emergencies, or just were really hungry.

Cause let's face it, four teenage boys who are hungry are an emergency.

The young boy must have been about 17, and he started to check out our many snack as an awkward silence filled the store. I look over at Harry before hearing-

"Hey...I know you." Harry and I look over at the boy. "I know you." He repeats. "You're in that band McFly."

Harry and I smile at each other, and then look back at the boy. If any of the boys loved being recognized, it was Harry.

"Yeah, I am. The drummer." Harry smiles at the boy.

"I hate you guys." The kid says. Harry looks back over at me, both of us with confused looks, and then we look back at the boy.

"Uh...cheers." Harry says. He had been working on his temper lately.

"No, I don't think you get it." The kid says. "I really hate you guys."

"Right." Harry says.

"You guys suck." He says. "You're a worthless piece of shit"

"What's your problem? We're just trying to buy snacks." I cut in.

"I wasn't talking to you, Lady." The boy says to me.

"Bite me." I say.

"Lilly!" Harry tries to stop me.

"Beat it, bitch!" The boy says.

"Drop dead!" I say lunging over the counter, before Harry grabs me, and carries me out of the store.

"I did! When I heard their music!" The boys says, before Harry puts me down outside. I wrap my jumper closer around me and begin to angrily walk back to the bus.

"What do you think you're doing!" Harry says.

"That guy was totally out of line." I say, as I hear Harry trailing behind me. He pulls on my shoulder slightly and turns me to face him.

"Are you insane? You can't lunge at a kid!" Harry says.

"Since when have the roles reversed?" I ask.

"Since you leapt over the counter! Why are you acting like this today?" Harry says.

Say it, Lilly! Expose it all!

I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really tired." I say, looking down. Harry wraps his arm around me as we walk back to the bus.

"Go to bed when we get back, Lil." He says. I nod.

When we get back on the bus, the first thing I hear is Danny.

"Hey...Where are our snacks?"

Harry shushes him, and immediately leads me to my bunk.


Wonderland // McFlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora