It's All About You

429 14 0

December 24, 2004

I must've fallen asleep in the car, because when I wake up I'm in my clothes from yesterday, and I can tell I'm in the band house.

I roll over and look up to see Danny, Dougie and Harry standing over me with puzzled expression. I scream, and they all back against the wall as I sit up.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I scream at them. I knew this was a bad idea, I just couldn't help but try to get someone to spend Christmas with.

"We could ask you the same thing. This is our house." Harry says.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask, mortified.

"That depends. How long do you have to be there for you to actually be considered 'watching' someone?" Danny asks.

"Five minutes." I shrug.

"Oh...yeah then we were watching you." Danny says, and Dougie punches him swiftly in the stomach.

"Where is Tom?" I ask.

"He already left for home." Harry answers. I sigh.

"When are you all leaving?" I ask.

"Soon enough, jeez." Harry says.

"No I didn't-"

"We're joking, Lilly." Harry says. "I'm heading out now. Dougie and Danny are leaving together in an hour." I nod. "By the way, you snore in your sleep."

"I do not!" I say. Harry laughs.

"See you later, love." He smiles walking out.

"I'm not-" I begin, but I sigh.

"So why are you here?" Danny asks, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Danny-" Dougie begins, not walking any closer.

"What? I'm just curious." He smiles.

"Exactly the problem." Dougie says.

"I'm here because Tom invited me." I say.

"Well yeah, I know that." Danny says. "Did you miss your train to Bolton, or something?"

"Um...I didn't really have a train to Bolton." I say.

"What? You don't spend Christmas with your family?" Danny asks.

"No. I don't."

"Why?" Danny asks. Dougie is about to scold Danny for asking too many questions, but I know Danny means no harm.

"They family is distant." I say.

"Okay..." Danny says, getting up.

"Can I use a shower?" I ask.

"Sure." Danny says. "I'll get you a towel. You're best off using Tom's. I guarantee it's the cleanest."

"Would Tom be okay with that?" I ask.

"Of course. If any of us are fine with it, Tom's the one. He goes with the flow." Danny responds.

Danny gives me a towel, and leads me up to Tom's bathroom. When I get there, I put my toiletry bag on the counter and look at myself. I look...different. Good different. I guess that's what happens when you are taken out of isolation.

After I shower and get dressed, I head down to the kitchen, to find Danny and Dougie by the door.

"We'll see you later Lilly." Danny says. "Help yourself to anything. Don't trash the house." He smiles. I don't know how I could trash it anymore.

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