Sensitive Guy

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February 10, 2006

"The day is the tenth of February in the year two thousand and six." I state, looking into the camera Dougie was holding towards me. "Let's meet our contestants." I say.

"More like victims." Dougie laughs.

"First." I start, stepping aside and putting my hands out to present Harry sitting on a dining chair in the entrance of the now empty band house. "Harrold Mark Christopher Judd."

"Not Harrold, just Harry." Harry says, waving to the camera. I move next to him.

"Daniel Allen David Jones." I say, putting my hands on Danny's shoulders.

"Hi!" Danny laughs.

"And finally, Thomas Michael Fletcher." I move one of my hands from Danny's shoulder to Tom's.

"Yeah..." Tom sighs.

"Come on Lilly. Why are you filming this?" Harry asks.

"Because. It's the last big thing we're all doing together in the band house." I say, which shuts him up. "Now." I step behind the boys. "Harry and Danny want classic cuts."

"Just a trim!" Danny objects.

"But Tom..." I laugh. "Oh...Tom wants a color and cut combo." I say, running my hands through Tom's long, faded black hair.

"I just want to be blonde again. Nothing crazy, just back to my original color." Tom assures me.

"Relax, I got this."

I start by trimming the sides of Harry's hair (the mohawk had completely grown out, the fake black had faded and he had also taken the awful eyebrow piercing out, thank god) with clippers we had picked up earlier today when the boys said they needed haircuts (Minus Dougie, who had still quite recently ditched the purple for his natural blonde, and got it cut in the process).

", you're hair is way too long. You need to go run it under water." I say. Danny groans and goes upstairs.

"While we're waiting I'll start on you, Mr. Fletcher." I say.

"Please Lilly, don't mess up."

"I never mess up." I joke.

"Lillian-" He states turning to me.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, it'll be good." I say. I take Tom's long hair and start to cut it. A lot.

I don't think Tom realizes how much I cut his hair. But i think it looks quite good. Before I go on to color his hair, I trim Danny's.

Before long, both Danny and Harry have left, Dougie has stopped the camera in fear of running out of tape, and I have colored Toms hair.

I wash Tom's hair over the sink and Dougie stands over me, watching. The more I wash the more I realize:

It's. Really. Blonde.

Tom's hair was now platinum blonde, I was quite sure he would not be best pleased.

"Okay." I say nervously, handing Tom the mirror. He smiles, lifting it up, but the smile quickly fades.

"Oh my-" He begins.

"I know! It's really blonde, and really short but...I don't know...I quite liked the cut. And also in my defense it's only so blonde because you dyed it black. If you hadn't done that then it wouldn't be have to be bloody platinum." I say, before I feel the wrath of Tom Fletcher.

"I..." He begins, putting the mirror down. "I quite like it."

I take a breath, smile at Dougie, and look back at Tom.

"You do?" I ask, smiling.

"Yeah." He says. "New album, new look, right?"

It was clear to me, in this moment, something in Tom had changed. Maybe he had simply gone through an angsty teenager stage, or maybe it was something more, but whatever it was, Tom was happier now than he was through any of the Wonderland era.

"Guys!" I heard Danny call from the hallway. Tom, Dougie and I look over at a curly haired Danny, smiling like a goof.

"I think I'm going to stop straightening it! Go full 'fro! What do ya think?"

I smile at Tom, he laughs and sighs.

"New album." He repeats, making me laugh.


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