I'm Wasting My Time

224 9 3

November 3, 2006

It's cold in here. Very cold.

It must be early. I look over to see the clock on the nightstand. 7:26 am.

I hear a knock at the door. That must have been what woke me up. I quickly untangle myself from the duvet, and Dougie, and rush to the door. I open it slightly to reveal an older woman.

"Housekeeping?" She asks.

"Oh, um...not yet. Thank you though." I say, smiling at her before she walks to the next room. It's bloody early for housekeeping.

I take the Do Not Disturb sign off the inside door handle of our room and put it on the outside, before shutting the door slowly.

Dougie and I were able to get room service last night. The restaurant next door provided it to the hotel, so it actually wasn't that bad. I didn't get to wear my new dress, but we definitely had a good night anyways.

"Lil?" I hear Dougie groan from the bed. I turn to see the light from the sheer curtains pouring in to the room directly on Dougie, making his hair look like gold and his eyes look transparent. But he is squinting, so it must not feel as beautiful as it looks.

"Yeah. Sorry. There was housekeeping at the door." I say.

"Can you come back." He says, closing his eyes and laying his head back down, as if it took so much effort for him to keep it there.

I nod, even if he isn't looking, and make my way back under the warmer covers. Dougie puts his head on my stomach, just as I hear my phone start to ring.

Dougie groans as I quickly pick up my phone off the dresser and answer it without even looking.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Lilly? Why do you have Dougie's phone?" Tom's voice booms through the speaker. My eyes widen as I take the phone away from my ear and look down at it.


I put the phone back to my ear. Think fast, Lil.

"I'm...uh...getting it fixed." I say.

"Is Dougie with you? We were going to practice some of the new songs today." He says. Shit! Thanks a lot, Danny.

"Danny didn't tell you?" I ask.

"Tell me what?"

"Great question." I say, trying to think of the answer myself. "Yeah, yeah Dougie's phone was really broken. Wouldn't take any calls or get any texts or anything. He probably didn't get your message." I say.

"We planned this last week in person. And there aren't any phone places open at this time in the morning."

"Well why are you having rehearsal at this time in the morning?" I question, getting frustrated.

"It starts at eight." Tom says.

"Well push it to two." I say.

"Two?" Tom asks.

"Yes. Two. Why, do you have something else you're doing today?" I ask.

"No but-"

"Then push it to two. He'll be there. Got to go." I say.

"But you still didn't tell me-" But I cut off his voice, closing the phone.

"Get up." I say to Dougie, getting up and starting to pack.


"You have band rehearsal at two." I say, frustrated.

"Lilly. I don't want to go." He whines.

"Yeah and I don't want you to go but you have to. Come on." I say, as my frustration melts to sadness.

"If we just told them, we wouldn't have to. We wouldn't even have to be in Bolton right now." Dougie says.

"Dougie. We've talked about this-"

"Well we can't hide it forever. I mean...are we going to have a secret wedding-"

"Wedding?" I ask.

"Well...you don't ever think of getting married?" He asks.

"Not really, no." I say. "It's way too early in the morning, and in our lives to talk about this. We're not telling anyone anything, so can you please just get up so we can go?" I say, starting feel more exhausted by the minute.

Dougie sighs, and obliges.


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