This Time Around

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February 17, 2008

Today was the boys' final show in Australia. After this, most of their time would be spent in the studio working on the rest of the album.

After walking around with Fletch and checking to make sure the venue is looking good for the show, I head to the dressing room and knock on the door.

"Are you decent?" I ask.

"As decent as we can be!" Harry calls and I enter to see Harry and Danny doing their hair and Tom and Dougie picking out shoes to wear.

"You all set?" I ask them. "Anything you need?"

"More beers." Danny says, finishing off the bottle in front of him.

"Uh, you guys go on in like an hour and a half." I say. "Don't you think that's cutting it a little close?"

"Fine. I'll go get them." Danny says, getting up and walking past me.

"No that's not what i meant- oh never mind." I say, realizing he's out the door and not listening to a word I'm saying.

"Actually, Lilly, could you do me a favor?" Tom asks.

"Sure." I say moving closer to where he is. "What's up?"

"We're trying to make a small documentary about the making of this album, since it's so different to any other we've made. Do you think you could take this camera and go outside to some of the fans that are waiting, videotape them and talk to some of them?" Tom says, handing me a cam quarter.

"Sure, I guess." I say. Me going out there would certainly work better than any of them going out there. I take the camera and turn towards the door.

"Will you be back before we go on?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be back in a little while." I say. and he nods before I leave.

I've never really interacted with the fans of McFly. I'm not even sure they'll take me seriously. I don't think most of them know who I am, since the press has barely anything on me and Dougie.

But as soon as I step outside and see the line of mostly teen girls waiting under the setting sun, they all start to scream my name.

How do they know me? And even so, why do they care?

"Uhh...hi guys." I say, getting a chorus of 'hellos' back. "I'm Lilly. I work with Fletch and the McFly boys...they are trying to get some footage for a little documentary thing on their upcoming album and I'm just gonna kind of come around and talk to you guys. Does that work?" Again, there is a chorus of 'yes', 'yeah' and 'sure's. I nod and turn the camera on, going up to a girl in the front of the line. "Hi, what's your name?" I ask.

"Marissa." She smiles. "And these are my friends, Kate and Rachel."

"Nice to meet you all." I smile. "Um...where are you from?"

"We're all from Brisbane." She says.

"Oh cool...where is that?" I ask.

"It's about a ten hour drive North." The girl named Rachel says.

"What? You all drove that long to see this concert?" I ask, astonished.

"Yeah!" Marissa says.

"We've been waiting four years to see McFly in concert! And they're finally here!" Kate says.

"Do you think they'll come out before the show?" Rachel asks.

"Uh...Well I'll try to talk to them but-"

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