You Laugh but You're Just Scared

315 13 2

January 11, 2006

I turn my direction to the door slowly, my arms still around Dougie, and his around me. Danny is standing there with his mouth hanging open like a cartoon.

I clear my throat, separate myself from Dougie, take Danny's wallet off the table and slowly walk up to him holding it out.

"Here you go." I smile.

"What!?" He screams.

"Okay." Dougie says as I walk back over to him.

"When...why...what?" Danny asks again.

"Christmas." I say.

"Christm-" Danny begins. He looks between me and Dougie multiple times. "Lilly I mean...of all the boys-"

"Hey!" Dougie says, and I put my hand on his back. Clearly Danny noticed this.

"" He says, physically moving me a couple of feet away from Dougie. "You were gonna shag? In my house?" He asks disgusted.

"No!" I yell, defensively. "We were going to get milk."

"Didn't look like it!" Danny says. "" He takes out his phone and starts typing something before putting his phone back in his pocket.

"What are you-" Dougie begins.

" over!" Danny says, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Dougie asks. Danny walks over to me and throws me over his shoulder.

"Danny!" I yell, flailing my arms as he takes me up the stairs.

"Danny put her down!" Dougie says, and I can hear him following us.

"Oh wouldn't you like that!" Danny says.

Danny puts me down in Vicky's doorway and Dougie goes to reach over to me, but Danny being bigger and taller, pushes Dougie into the doorway of his room away from me. Danny closes the doors, and I try to open it but I feel it begin held down.

"Danny!" I yell. I hear Dougie do the same.

"There!" Danny says. "Now you can't get out for the rest of the night!"

"What?" I ask.

"Are you insane?" I hear Dougie yell.

"I don't know!" Danny yells. "But I can't talk about this tonight so I've tied your door knobs together!"

"What?!" I yell.

"Danny! You have to let us out!" Dougie says.

"No! I don't! This is my house!" Danny says. "I'm going out with my friend and you two are staying in your rooms! Goodbye!"

Dougie and I both start screaming for Danny to come back and let us out. I hear Danny's car start and rush to the window to watch him pull away. I sigh.

"Lilly?" I hear Dougie say. I walk back over to the door and slump down on the ground.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Did he really just do that?" Dougie asked.

"Yeah." I say.

"And the other boys are gonna find out." Dougie says.

"Yeah." I say, feeling worse by the second.

"And then Fletch will find out?" Dougie asks.

"Yeah." I sigh, feeling a little more sick.

"So...this is like...our last night as a couple. And we can't even be together." Dougie says.

It was quiet for a minute as Dougie and I realized what was really going on, and I felt like I might cry. I took a breath. What am I doing? I'm stronger than this.

"I never even got to take you on a proper date." Dougie says. "I'm sorry."

"Dougie..." I start. What do I say? How can I tell him everything is going to be fine when I can't even convince myself of that? "Let's I mean, if this really is our last night together then...we should just talk. That's what being in a relationship is all about...right?"

"I guess." I hear his say.

"And besides." I add. "Maybe it's not really our last night. I mean...Danny's a softy. Maybe he won't tell the boys."

"I bet they already know." Dougie whines.



"What's your favourite colour?" I ask.

"Blue and red." He says. "Why?"

"I didn't know." I say.

"What's yours?"

"Green." I reply.

"That's Tom's favorite colour." He adds.

"And your favourite animal. Lizards, right?" I ask.

"I like any amphibian, really." He says. "What's your favourite animal?"

"I don't think I have one." I say.

"What?" He asks. "You don't have a favourite animal?"

"Well, thing is, I've never been to a zoo so-"

"What?" He asks again. "You've never been to a zoo?"

"No." I reply.

"When we get out of here I'm taking you to a zoo. Whether we're dating or not." Dougie says.

"Okay." I laugh.

"What's your favourite food?" Dougie asks. "And you better have one cause you can eat just as much as the boys."

"Hey!" I laugh.

"It's not a bad thing." He says.

"My favourite food is...cake...chocolate cake, to be exact." I say. "You?"

"Beer." Dougie says.

"That's not a food." I say.

"It is when it takes place of a meal." He says.

Dougie and I go on like this for a couple of hours, completely forgetting the fact that Danny's locked us in our rooms and that we haven't had dinner.

"What time is it?" I ask, yawning.

"Midnight." Dougie answers.

"Do you think Danny will be back soon?" I ask.

"Not really." He says.

"I should probably go to bed." I say. "We have to leave tomorrow."

"Yeah." Dougie says.

"Goodnight Dougie." I say, with my face still leaning against the door, as if in some way it would bring me closer to him. It wouldn't.

"Lilly?" He asks. "We'll work it out. Okay? We'll figure it out. Even if they don't want us together. If we want us together...then we will be."

"Okay." I whisper, but I know, even saying that, he's not sure it's true.

"I love you." He says. I sigh.

"I love you too."


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