I'm Feeling Young and Reckless

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February 6, 2005

This evening was my date with Liam and I was so excited. The boys have been in Africa for a week now and I've had no contact with them. Tomorrow night I have to pick them up from the airport. As nice as my time off has been, I do miss them.

I made my way to the coffee shop Liam told me about. My flat may be in central London, but it was a decently long walk to Trafalgar square.

When I make my way inside I see Liam already sitting at a table. He looks at me with a friendly smile. Oh gosh, I hope he's not been waiting long. I make my way over to where he's sitting and take a seat. He's already got a piping mug in front of him.

"I hope you weren't waiting long." I smile at him.

"No, no I wasn't. How are you?" Liam asks.

"I'm good and yourself?" He asks.

"I'm also good." I laugh, nervously.

" Oh, how rude of me! Do you want something to drink or eat?" He asks.

"Oh um... I'll have a tea if you don't mind." I say.

"Of course. I'll be right back." Liam gets up and goes to the counter. I'm so nervous. Liam is so sweet and...I've never had a proper boyfriend before. Not that he is my boyfriend...or that I wouldn't want him to be I just- oh, nevermind.

"So, what's been going on in the wonderful world of Lilly?"Liam asks sitting down and handing me my mug.

"Well actually not much. The band I manage, do you remember them?" I ask him.

"As a security guard at concerts, it's pretty hard to forget McFly." He laughs. I laugh too.

"Well anyways, they're in Africa for Sport Relief so my life has been pretty boring this past week." I say.

"Well what do you like to do outside of work?" Liam asks.

"What do you do outside of work?" I smile.

"Are you trying to change the question?" Liam asks

"Well, to be honest with you, work takes up so much of my time, I don't do much outside of it, and even when I do, it usually has to do with one of the boys."

"Wow...you really care about them." He smiles.

"Yeah...you know, I never really had friends before them." I say.

"Well I'm glad that I'm your friend too. " Liam says and I smile.


After a while, I start to relax around Liam more and we find out we have a lot in common. He is so funny and sweet. I've never felt so head over heels for someone in my life.


At the end of the night Liam offers to walk me back to my flat, to which I gladly agree. When we get to the front of the building, I turn to face Liam.

"You walked all the way?" He asks.

"Yeah. It wasn't bad. I walk everywhere." I say.

" Well you must drive sometimes." He smiles.

"Yeah, sometimes." I lie.

"I had a really good time." Liam says.

"Me too. We should do this again." I suggest.

"Soon." Liam agrees.

"Soon. " I confirm.

For a moment, we just stand there, in the middle of this London sidewalk looking at each other, and nothing else.

And then

Liam kissed me.

I've never kissed anyone before, how was I supposed to know what to do? I hoped it went well.

Liam pulled away and looked at the ground.

"I'll be in touch." He smiles. I nod and he walks away, glancing back at me a couple of times.

I make my way to my apartment building. I'm so excited to tell the boys all about my date tomorrow!


I reserved a car to pick me up to go to the airport and get the boys today. I made sure it was big enough for five people, plus the driver.

Call me corny, but I've never picked anyone up at an airport, and I hoped it would be movie magical.

I waited for a while before I saw the boys on the elevator with their cases. I wanted to wave and call there names, but they looked like they were in a fog. Jet lag?

Tom was the one who looked up to see where I was standing and lead the boys over to me.

"Hi!" I chirp, hugging Tom. It was not reciprocated. Okay.

We made our way to the car where the boys put their cases and packs in the trunk and climbed into the back. I climbed in back with them. Luckily the car had seats that faced each other so I could get details on Africa. I gave the driver the band house address and we departed from Heathrow.

Danny and Harry sat on either side of me, where as Tom and Dougie sat across from us.

"So...how was Africa?!" I ask excited. None of the boys say anything, until I see Harry shrug. All of them are looking at the floor or out the window or just...away. Jeez I didn't know how bad jet lag could be.

I decide not to try to make anymore conversation. Plus, I can tell them about my date tomorrow.

We're almost through the completely silent ride when I hear a muffled sound come from Dougie.

"What Dougie?" I ask, thinking he may divulge some details from the trip, but instead Dougie begins to laugh.

And a small chuckle turns into a full blown uncontrollable round of laughter. I'm too confused to say anything.

But then, Harry joins him and the two of them laugh uncontrollably. When I hear a small noise from Danny, I suspect he's about to start laughing along with them, but instead he starts crying.

And his cries aren't small sniffles. They're loud, thundering, unstoppable sobs.

And then Tom starts crying too. I have two people next to me laughing uncontrollably and two sobbing.

And I realize none of this was jet lag and that the boys are in shock from the tragedy they just lived for a week.


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