Please Say You'll Never Leave Me

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October 28, 2012 

The job hunt hadn't been going too well. 

Sure, it had only been a few days, but the thing was, I really didn't know where to start. Getting the job for Fletch was way easier than it should have been, and way easier than job hunting is in (what seems like) real life. Every time I tried to look I felt like I wanted to cry. 

I didn't though, of course.

But I didn't even know what I wanted to do. I know that biology was my favorite subject in school, but it's not like I was going to become a doctor. And what if I wasn't good at it? What was I good at? All I ever knew was working for McFly...

I did the same thing everyday. Got up, realized I was late to go to the studio, realized I didn't have to go to the studio, got upset, made tea, and searched for jobs for multiple hours. 

I was going to have to find something soon or I wouldn't be able to get groceries...

Today, as I was job hunting, I had the TV on in front of me. The boys were starting press today for their single and they were going to be on TV in just about two hours for a live performance. I was happy for them, but it made me sad. 

They were still really angry and hadn't been talking to Fletch, which I couldn't say I was mad at. It was like they were taking care of my anger for me. But unfortunately having no anger to focus on left me in a depressed state. 

I wanted to delete Fletch's number from my phone, but I didn't have the heart. It was like trying to delete your ex's number from your phone, which was easy to do with Liam, and I never had to do it for Dougie. 

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. My computer was open on the coffee table in front of me. I needed a distraction.  

I picked up my phone, flipped it open and scrolled through my contacts to Fletch's number. I clicked on it, scrolled over to the delete button, and just looked at it. I even let my thumb hover over the enter key, but I didn't press it. 

And just then, my phone began to buzz and Fletch was calling me. 

What was going on? Did he has some crazy way of knowing I was looking at his number? Surely not...I still had the same cell phone from 2005, not one of those new fancy phones all the boys had. There's no way he could hack my flip phone. I took a deep breath and clicked the answer button. Maybe he had one more payment for me? That would really help...

When I answered, and brought the phone up to my ear, I stayed silent for a few seconds. It felt like a few minutes, but I knew it wasn't. 

"Hello?" I finally say into the receiver, sounding as confused as I feel. 

"Lilly." Fletch's voice booms through the receiver. "I need your help." 

"Why should I help you?" I answer quickly. 

Where did that come from? 

"Don't think of it as helping me." He starts. "Think of it as helping the boys." 


"Boys!" I yell angrily, walking into Tom and Gi's house, not even bothering to take off my coat. There was no answer. "Guys, I know you're here!" I make my way to the living room. 

"Don't try and get us to change our minds, Lilly!" Danny says persistently as I turn the corner. They're all squished together on the sofa, sitting with their arms crossed over their chests. "We're not budging. We're boycotting. And yes, I know what that means...I Googled it." 

"Come on guys this is just stupid!" I say. 

"It's not stupid to us." Harry says. 

"Guys, seriously, I'm not doing this! You aren't teenagers anymore, now get in the car and get to the interview!" I say sternly. 

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