It's Just Innocent

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May 23, 2006

"Dougie, we've only gone a mile!" I say, jogging in place, looking at Dougie, hunched over and panting. "Do you have asthma?"

"No!" He pants, clearly insulted. I shrug.

"Come on! Half a mile to the house! You can do this." I say, motioning him to catch up to me, while I continue to jog in place.

"I hate cardio." He says, looking up at me. "I'm going to throw up."

"You'll be fine. Come on." I say. He sighs through his panting and slowly, tiredly jogs over to me. "We got this! Look at us! Working out! Being fit! Benefitting our-" But when I look over, Dougie isn't there next to me. I stop and look back at Dougie kneeling over a couple of bushes that lined the street. "What are you doing?" I ask, walking over to him.

"Throwing up." He says, leaning back into the bushes.

"Oh my god!" I say, walking over to him. I put my hand on his back. "When you said you were going to throw up I thought you were being dramatic!" I say.

"I always spew when I do cardio." He says. I gag.

"Oh ew, Dougie don't...word it like that." I say. He glares at me. "Why don't we just walk home?" I ask. Dougie nods, holding his stomach and I put my hand on his back as I lead him home.


It was later that night that Dougie was sitting on the skateboard ramp he had built in the garden with his guitar in his hand and the sunset to his back.

I made my way out the door and Dougie stopped playing and smiled at me. I sighed, climbing up the ramp and sitting next to him and he put his guitar to the side, wrapping his arm around me.

"I'm sorry again." I say.

"Lil, I told you, it's not your fault."

"I just feel bad." I sighed, smiling embarrassed.

"I should have told you I can't really do cardio." He laughs. "Not for long, at least."

"I'm sorry." I repeat.


"I know...that was the last time." I smile and Dougie kisses my forehead. "So...what were you working on?" I gesture towards his guitar.

"Just a song I wrote." He says.

"For the album?" I ask.

"No, no. Just And don't worry, this one isn't about you." He smiles.

"I quite like when you write them about me." I say.

"I know." Dougie smiles evilly, looking down. I elbow him and we chuckle lightly.

"So...can I hear it?" I ask.

"Ugh. No." Dougie says.

"What? Why!" I ask.

"Because my arm is wrapped around you and I quite like it there." He says. I unhook his arm and smile, raising my eyebrows.

"'s not done anyways." He says.

"So? Show me whatcha got." I say in a funny voice. He sighs, picking up his guitar and I clap my hands together.

"Don't judge me." He says.

"Never." I say. He sighs beginning to strum.

We're sorry but we disagree

The boy is vermin, can't you see?

We'll drown his sins and misery

And rip him out of history

People marching to the drums,

Everybody's having fun to the sound of love,

Ugly is the world we're on

If I'm right then prove me wrong

I'm stunned

"That's all I got right now." He says, placing his guitar to the side again.

"Well I love it. What's it called?" I ask.

"I don't know yet. You wanna name it?" He asks.

"How am I supposed to know what to call your song?" I ask.

"You don't have to know. It doesn't have to be a word in the song as long as it means something to you." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You could call this song...panda bears and it'd be fine. A mysterious name makes people want to listen to a song even more." He shrugs.

"You aren't...actually going to call it panda bears...right?" I ask. Dougie laughs.

"No. I'm not. So go on...give me a name." He says.

"I don't know. I'm not good at music stuff. I need help." I say.

" help. Just say the first thing that comes to mind and we'll work off of it." He says.

"But I-"

"1, 2, 3, go, say something!"

"Transylvania." I say.

And there is a moment of silence.

"What?" Dougie asks after a while.

"You told me to say what came to my mind!" I say, my voice rising in defense. "The lyrics were kind of dark and creepy so i thought-"


"I guess..." I shrug.

" could work." He says, looking off, into the orangey sun. "Transylvania."


Congrats to Harry and Izzy on their new son Kit! He's super cute and you should totally check out one of their Instagram's to see him!

Fun Fact: This is not how Transylvania got it's name...but you probably knew that...

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