I Would Answer All Your Wishes

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This is my 3rd annual Christmas Update! 


February 9, 2008

I woke up and walked out on the balcony overlooking the city. As soon as I opened the doors, the cool air conditioned air from inside was swarmed and taken over by the hot, humid air from inside.


It was amazing...well, as soon as the jet lag wore off, which, it was starting to.

Being in Australia made me feel like it was 2004 again. All the boys were partying at night, and I was even going with them again. And Gi had come along too. She was going to be staying with us the first two weeks we're here before returning to England.

It also helped take my mind off of things. Being in the studio all day with the boys washed me with a sense of naiveness i felt I lost over these past few years. It was almost like, this was the way it was supposed to be, and we had just come back to normal.

But before we left, things with Dougie still weren't going the best. We never go out anymore and I even barely saw him at home, considering the few times a day I did see him were at the studio for work. I had been taking care of Flea all by myself, and don't get me wrong, I love that dog, but it felt as if Dougie had got him to take his place so I wouldn't be lonely.

It helped, but it certainly wasn't working completely, if that was actually the plan.

But I doubt that was the plan. I still love Dougie. And I still know he loves me. I know he would never try to hurt me, on purpose at least. And he was always there to tell me he loved me, whether it was leaving the studio or when he got home in the early hours of the morning, at least once a day.

But being here brought us together more. Not only because we were working, living, partying and exploring the country together, but sometimes, I dare say the best thing about Australia was coming home at the same time at night, and falling asleep at the same time, and seeing him next to me when I woke up in the morning.

Plus the album was going great. The boys were righting songs with deeper meanings. The songs were wonderful as far as I've heard. Probably something to do with all the extra vitamin D.

The boys had also planned some concerts for the Australian fans, not only because they had many fans in Australia but also because Tom had some idea for a new song to feature fans' voices in the track... I don't know, it confused me too.

Either way, it seems, nothing can go wrong here.


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