The Dark Clouds Have Lifted

188 11 1

February 8, 2012

"Sorry I'm late!" I smile, rushing into the studio, and quickly putting my bags down in the corner. The boys were sitting on the floor in a circle.

"Lilly-Girl!" Danny exclaims. "You're just who we wanted to see!"

"What's going on?" I ask, sitting on the floor between Tom and Harry.

"We've wrote a song!" Danny exclaims.

"Written." Tom corrects him. "It's by yours truly." He says, pointing to Danny, Dougie and then back at himself. "With-" he begins, turning and picking something up, and turning back around holding a little pink ukulele. "Yours truly!" My mouth drops open.

"Where...the actual hell...did you find that?" I ask, shocked.

"The toy section as Asda." Harry says, making me, Danny and Dougie laugh.

"Hey!" Tom buts in. "It's a Gibson." He turns away to put the ukulele down.

"It's a Gibson." Harry mocks, and I stifle a laugh.

"Well anyways, what's it called?" I ask.

"Love is Easy." Tom smiles. I scoff.

"Easy for you to say. We don't all find our first and last love at thirteen." Harry opens his mouth to speak, and I cut him off. "Or eighteen." Then Danny does the same. "Or twenty-one." Dougie goes to say something as well, and when I go to interrupt him, I stop and smile slyly. "Not you."

"Hey!" He exclaims. "I love Lara."

"I know." I nod. "But you didn't get to her as disgustingly as these three got to their girlfriends."

"It's true." Harry shrugs.

"We're awful." Danny laughs.

"You know, you're the only single one left, Lil." Tom says. "You've got to put yourself out there...unless, that is, you have another secret boyfriend."

"You're so funny." I say sarcastically. "But no. One secret relationship is enough to last a lifetime."

"You could say that again." Dougie says, fist bumping me.

"But yeah, no, I'm too old for the whole dating thing. Plus, the whole eyebrow scar doesn't help. Makes me look like the evil guy in The Lion King." I say.

"Scar." Tom says.

"Yeah, whatever." I brush him off.

"You're only twenty-four." Harry says.

"Yeah. Which is practically thirty." I say.

"Please don't say that." Tom says, putting a hand over his heart. "I'm like three years older than you." I laugh.

"Anyways." I go on. "Can I hear the song?"

"Nope." Dougie says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because we have something else we need to talk to you about first." Harry starts. "Danny take it away."

Oh no. I already know this is going to be something I'm not going to like if they're having Danny tell me. Nobody could stay mad at Danny.

"We were thinking..." Danny starts, looking over at the other guys. "We wanted to take a break in between putting out album six."

Oh. That's not that bad.

"I's been a while since you guys have put out an album..." I start.

"Not for long." Danny continues. "Just until after Tom gets married."

"Oh...well yeah, I understand that. Sure. No problem." I say.

"And in the meantime-" Danny says.

"Oh no." I slump my shoulders.

"We wanted to go on tour." He says.

"Please Lilly." Tom cuts in. "After everything that happened last year, and the reality shows...we just want to do our thing again."

"Well...well okay. We can probably work something out." I walk over to my things, take out my computer, open it up, and sit back down. "You'd probably have some time in August to-" Danny sucks in a deep breath.

"We were thinking more like...March." He smiles.

"I'm sorry?" I ask. "Danny, you must have said that wrong-"

"No, he said it right." Dougie nods.

"Guys...that's next month! That's not even next month, that's three weeks away! There's no way we'll be able to find venues, book a lighting crew-"

"Please Lilly?" Tom asks. "We just want to be together onstage as a band again."

"What would you guys even play?" I ask. Harry shrugs.

"Greatest hits?" He suggests.

"And some new songs...we could give the fans a taste and see what works and what doesn't." Tom says, but it sounds like he's begging. I sigh, and look at all of their pleading faces.

Damn it.

"I'll try." I say, and their faces instantly turn to smiles as they high five each other. "But I can't promise you anything." I remind them.

"That's totally okay." Danny says.

"McFly's back!" Tom exclaims.


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