Future Plans

185 9 1

May 12, 2012

We'd been sitting in the reception venue at Tom and Gi's wedding for quite a while now. We'd had appetizers, Gi's sister made a speech, and so did all of the boys together, but I'm not going to go into it because it was absolutely the most rude thing I have ever heard in my life.

I didn't really see much of the boys once the ceremony started since they were the best men so I had to find other people I knew to hang about with. I sat with Izzy, Lara and Georgia during the actual wedding (which was beautiful, might I add). I'd met Tom's parent and his little sister Carrie before but they were obviously all in the wedding too, so I wasn't able to see much of them either.

The reception venue was gorgeous. There were vines and pastel flowers everywhere, including draped from the beams that supported the building, in the center of the hundreds of tables and even rose petals on the floor. The room was lit by dim fairy lights strung all from the ceiling.

I couldn't sit next to the boys, since their table was strictly for the best men and their significant others, so I was at a table with Fletch and some of the other ushers.

"Can you believe Tom is married?" I ask Fletch, who's finishing off my appetizers now. "He's actually married."

"He is 26." Fletch says.

"I know but...just yesterday he wasn't. He was 18...I just can't believe how fast the time has gone..." I say.

"Fast? Really?" Fletch asks, shocked. "It couldn't have been any slower to me."

"Oh come on." I laugh and he smiles. "He was just that teen boy with the crooked teeth and chubby cheeks."

"And awful bright blonde hair." Fletch adds.

"Seems like yesterday he was living in the attic of the band house...and now he's married." I smile.

"You're going to have to get used to letting them go." Fletch smiles. "Looks like they've all settled down for the long haul. Soon enough they'll all be married. And then you too."

"I've still got a while to go." I laugh to myself, just as we're interrupted by the sound of Tom clearing his throat.

"Okay." He says into his mic as the room starts to quiet down. "Okay...it's my turn." He smiles nervously. "So...um...Giovanna can tell you that um...the only nerves and anxiety that I've had about the wedding has been about giving this speech. I absolutely hate public speaking. Uh...me and public speaking we're just not compatible; We don't go together very well at all...um...I think mainly because I don't have any idea how to write a good speech...um...but...I do know how to write a song...so...."

And just then, an acoustic guitar starts playing some all too familiar chords. It was Obviously, one of the many songs Tom has written for Gi.

"I hope this isn't cheating my way out of it too much." Tom finishes before starting to sing.

Recently i've been
Having a wedding
I've married this girl
Who's out of this world
Believe me

We are so grateful
To so many people
But we're saying thank you
To only a few
I'm sorry

So if i don't thank you
It means i problaby just forgot you

But obviously, that doesn't mean
That we are not grateful, it's just I'm forgetful
So sorry if your name's not in this song
Here we go
I hope i don't get this wrong

Then I notice there's a TV next to Tom showing tons of photos, and also lyrics to what he's singing. Then the tempo changes, and another song starts playing. Star Girl.

Wonderland // McFlyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें