And I Tried to Compromise

439 15 1

November 14, 2004

I just stood at the window for a while watching them, and doubting. Maybe they weren't doing drugs. Maybe it was just a cigar or something, right? Because that doesn't look as bad in the media....


But I knew all along what they were doing.

Now, I have two options. I can spare the boy's career, and possibly ruin mine, but have them like me, or I can tell Fletch, like I'm supposed to, and keep my job, but have the boys get in serious trouble and hate me.

And my first month is not even over yet.

Danny began to laugh at something one of the boys said. He turned around laughing, but once he spotted me, he stopped immediately. He grabbed the joints out of the boys hands and threw them off Tom's balcony, smiling at me, as if I saw nothing. I raise my eyebrows at him. The other boys turn looking mad, but freeze when they see me.

So they think throwing it off the balcony will get rid of it? Yeah, I wish.

I begin to run downstairs to get them. I hear the boys coming after me. If I get those joints, I can use them as proof for Fletch.

I run as fast as I can. I can outrun Tom and Danny, but if Harry catches up, I'm screwed.

Harry begins to gain on me.

"Lilly!" He yells.  I run outside and slam the door behind me, delaying him. I grab the joints from the ground and look  back to see Harry, Danny and Tom opening the door and coming to join me.

"What are you doing?!" I yell.

"Lilly-" Tom starts.

"No!" I yell, defeating the purpose of asking a question. "Do you know what position this puts me in? Believe it or not, we aren't all rich, and we don't all live in a huge fancy house! I need this job. I need this job more than you could ever know! So now, because you're all idiots, I either work at a job that I hate because the people I work for hate me, or I just lose my job because I didn't tell my boss something he instructed me to! So now what? You tell me."

"Lilly, I'm so sorry." Danny says.

"Right, cause that fixes everything." I reply.

"Lilly, please don't tell Fletch, I promise we won't do it ever again. We'll make sure you keep your job." Tom said.

"You don't have that control over Fletch, Tom!"

"Well are you going to tell Fletch?" Harry asked. I looked at the ground.

"Who the hell brought the weed in the house?" I ask. Tom and Danny look at the ground, not willing to rat out their drummer, and Harry looks at them and then me.


I throw the joints on the ground and look at the boys.

"Destroy those! And if I ever see any of you breaking any one of Fletch's rules again, you're his problem, and you can't blame me!" I yell.

"Of course." Tom says.

"Absolutely." Harry says.

"Thank you." Danny finishes.

"By the way morons." I say, throwing Harry the key that was under the mat. "Find a better place to keep your spare key than under a god damn welcome mat." I said, walking out of the backyard and back to the bus stop.


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