Maybe You Need Somebody Just Like Me

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Happy New Year! It's 2018 and I promise I will try and update more frequently  (I'm trying to finish Wonderland this year)! Since I always write a chapter about New Years in this book, I figured I would update it on the actual day, except 12 years in the future...Enjoy!


October 15, 2006

Today the boys were going to a "business meeting" to finalize their third album, Motion in the Ocean. Fletch said I didn't need to go, so I didn't.

And yes, the boys did actually end up calling their album that...

I was waiting to hear back from them at Tom's house with Gi.

"I like your necklace Lilly." Gi says, turning away from the tea she was making. I look down at the necklace that I found in the letter from my grandmother in March.

"Oh...thanks. It was my Gran's." I say.

"So, do the boys get really nervous for this kind of stuff?" She asks.

"This kind of stuff?" I ask, clarifying.

"The business aspect of putting out albums." Gi clears up.

"Oh...well...I think it's definitely more stressful than actually planning performances and going on stage."

"Tom...he seemed nervous this morning." She says, seeming worried.

"I'm sure it will go off without a hitch, Gi. This album is the best one yet. I promise." I say, with a smile. She smiles back at me.

And it's not long before we can hear the front door open. All the boys walk in, plopping their instruments down and collapsing on the couch and floor of the living room with groans. Gi gives me a worried look.

" was the meeting guys?" I ask. I've never seen the boys this distressed after a meeting.

"How does it look like it went?" Harry asked, from hanging over the side of the couch, not even bothering to open his eyes.

"Okay, then what went wrong?" I ask.

"Everything." Danny says.

"You know how we already released Please Please in July?" Tom asks.

"Yeah...on your birthday." I say.

"Yeah well because of that we only have two singles releasing after the actual release date of the album and the label said it's not enough." Tom says.

" pick another song to be a single." I say.

"We said that." Danny says, lifting his head up off the floor to look at me. "They said they didn't think any of them were 'single worthy'"

"Talentless motherfu-" Harry starts.

"Alright!" I say, looking at him, before Danny plops his head back down.

"So? When is the next single due?" I ask.

"Well we don't know when it's being released, but they need to have it in three days if we want to release the album before 2007." Tom says. "I can't write a song in three days like this! I'm too stressed."

"'s coming out in 2007, guys. Let's just except it." Harry groans.

Just then, I got an idea.

"Dougie has a song." I blurt out.

"What?" Dougie asks, lifting his head up to look at me. His eyes read please don't do this.

But I had no choice...and Dougie's song was good. Really good.

"It's called Transylvania." I say.

"Transylvania?" Danny asks. "Like the place were Dracula lives?"

"No it's not-" Dougie begins.

"Let's hear it." Tom says. Dougie looks at me, terrified.


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