"You go undercover and use people for information and then arrest them," Percy summed up.

Annabeth nodded. "So what do you think?"

"I think this all insane. And wouldn't people know if an agency like this existed?"

"We try to keep things quiet," Annabeth told him taking back her badge. "It's happened in the past people have accused the organization of being 'a farm for child soldiers'. Mainly because once we age out most go to the FBI, CIA, other agencies, or the military. But what do think about what you want to do?"

"So my options are to join you in this made up government organization or go to prison and hope to get out and only to go home to my bastard stepdad?"

Annabeth smiled and stood. "I'll tell them your decision."

"I never said it aloud," Percy muttered as she walked it to the door.

"True, but I know you Percy, and I know you hate Gabe. So, I'll see you eventually."

Percy sighed and watched her go before dropping his head back onto the cold table.


Three months later Percy found himself standing at the entrance to on first glance looked like a large college campus along with the other Rookies. He looked around watching as kids and teens looking anywhere from fourteen to early twenties, hung out and laughed as they walked around. Had he not just spent three months training in the academy he would have never guessed that this place was a government agency.

"Welcome Rookies!" A voice yelled gaining Percy's attention. It was a boy who had spoken. He had curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. Beside him stood a boy who looked just like him but a bit shorter, both wore a pair of jeans and an orange t-shirt. The third boy was shorter than the other two had dark hair and dark eyes to go with. He wore an oversized aviator jacket over a black shirt and dark jeans. Behind them a girl in a silencer jacket watched them closet with her arms crossed.

"My name is Travis Stoll," The first introduced. "The one who looks like me is my younger brother Connor Stoll and the last one is Nico di Angelo."

"The three of us are gonna show you around and sort of show you how things work once you're out of the Academy," Nico added.

"And we are totally doing this of our free will," Connor threw in. "It's not like we're doing this because we were forced to learn to get along or anything. Right Zoë?" He asked looking over to the girl in silver.

The girl- Zoë didn't reply but rather pulled a clipboard out of who knows where and marked something down.

Travis whacked the back of his brother's head. "Anyway some basics. Today is Monday, so in seven days you all will take on the Qualifier."

Beside Percy a girl (whose her name couldn't currently remember) raised their hand.  "And what exactly is the Qualifier?"

"A test of your skills," Nico explained. "You will need to show everything you've learned to pass then-"

"Except shooting," Connor added. "That's been taken out after an... incident."

"Then after a discussion, and meeting between the Heads, you each will be chosen by one of the five Sectors, or by one of the other two bases. As you know this is our main base in DC but we also have a California, and a New York branch.

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