
He took a sip of his drink still staring at the man being held between his two body guards. "You know when you don't pay and when you betray us, you cause a lot of people trouble." Slowly he stood and crossed the room. He stared down at the man's quivering form. The man's face was covered in scratches and scars. He kept jerking a shaking due to the electrocution earlier. He placed only the tip of his finger on the man's throat. The man started choking, his eyes streamed tears, and he kept gasping for air.

He only cocked his head as he watched the man writhe in pain. "And one of those people... is me." After another moment or two the man's body went slack.

He stood up slowly and walked back to his chair and sat down staring at the dead body which now occupied his floor. "Nico?"

"I'll dump him near the outskirts."

"No make it public. Send a message."

"Can do."


"That's the fifth one in a month," Ethan frowned.

"Fifth?" Jason asked surprised.

"Fifth to die like this," Ethan nodded pulling out his lighter. We assume it's the Half-Bloods. Our medical examiner is gonna throw a fit."


"Talk to him yourself. I'm not going, he'll yell my ears off."


"It makes no fucking sense! I know he was strangled but there is no way to prove it! Damn it! After five of them I still can't figure it out!"

Jason took a small step back as the medical examiner- Will Solace- threw his clipboard on the floor and placed back and forth rubbing his temples.

"Isn't there anyway to it figure out?" Jason questioned.

Will froze and sent Jason a glare.

"Sorry. Sorry," Jason said raising his hands in surrender and Will began to pace once again. "But there has to be something."

Will paused and looked around the room. He quickly closed the door and closed the windows. "There is one thing but it's not exactly... safe or legal persay."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "You do know I'm a cop right?"

Will ignored the question. "What do you think of..." he glanced around even though they were alone. "mutants?"

Jason shrugged. "I don't really know. I don't think they need to be locked up but there has to be a way to be sure that those who aren't as stable don't hurt anyone."

Will pursed his lips. "Have you ever met one?"

"Once," Jason nodded. "She tried to scratch me with poisoned fingernails."

"I know this mutant," Will said slowly. "He deals a lot with the dead... I don't really like to get him involved..."

"If it can solve the case I won't say a word," Jason promised leaning back against the wall.

Percy Jackson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now