Vigilante (Part Two)

Start from the beginning


"Annabeth can I tell you something?"

Annabeth nodded. "Sure."

"You're my only friend."

Annabeth blinked surprised. "I'm sure you have other friends."

Percy shook his head. "None. I change schools often, and other kids don't like me, so none."

"Well then I'm honored that in you friend."

"You are?" He asked looking at her hopeful.

Annabeth nodded. "Yup. That means I'm your best friend and I'll always be here for you."

Percy pulled her in a hug. "Thank you... Best friend."

"No problem best friend."

Annabeth woke up to water splashing her in her face. She quickly looked around breathing heavily as she came face to face with Percy. Once again he sat straddling the chair facing her. In his hand he sat the spider. He examined it for a moment before shifting his gaze to her. "It seems you two didn't quite get along."

Annabeth calmed slightly as she stared at the vile creature in his hand. "You could say that."

"So have you decided how to convince me? Or were you busy having a nap?"

Annabeth opened and closed her mouth. "I-I... I blacked out..."

"So you haven't decided," Percy said a shadow of a smile on his face as he looked at her from the corner of his eye. "Is it worth it to give you more time or would you prefer I simply kill you now?"

"I-I didn't get the chance," Annabeth explained quickly. "The s-spider..."

Percy looked her in the eye as he held out the spider to her. "Would you like more time? Or would you like to die?"

"T-t-time," Annabeth stuttered.

Percy nodded. "Good choice. I'll just leave you and my little friend-"


"No? I thought you wanted time?"

"Not with that spider," Annabeth said her eyes never leaving the arachnid.

"Well if you want one this little fella comes with it," Percy told her with a smile.

Annabeth slowly looked away form the spider and looked to him her gaze hardening. "Is this funny to you? My fear? You just want to torture me wth my worst fear before you kill me don't you?"

Percy shrugged. "I don't exactly dislike that plan."

"You psychopath!" She shouted. "You're insane!"

"Many people have told me that. And, I'm starting to believe them."

"You are insane. You know what I fear and you use it against me. I wouldn't have ever done that to you. Because I know you couldn't have handled it." Percy's eyes narrowed underneath the flickering light as she spoke but despite her situation Annabeth continued. "You wouldn't be able to take the torture of your own mind. Tell me, what if our roles were reversed?"

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