
Frank entered the expo and walked around scanning the crowd. Percy had been right. Some of the crowd dressed in normal clothes like him while others wore fancier clothes like they had just come from a ball.

He walked along watching people looking for a girl who fit Arion's description. He was beginning to give up hope when he noticed a girl in a fancy dress. The dress was long and purple with a slit going up rather high. The girl who wore it was African-American and she wore gold heels and held a gold clutch. Her hair was in a fancy up do and she wore expensive looking earnings. Best of all Frank was almost positive he saw a glimpse of gold in her eyes.

The girl walked ahead and he followed her as she stopped at case. She began talking to man behind it a smile on her face. Frank maneuvered himself so he could watch and hear the two stealthy.

"This necklace would go great with your eyes," the man said pulling a gold necklace with what looked like rubies out of a case.

"You really think so?" The girl asked.

"Try it on," the man offered.

The girl turned around so he could drape the necklace on her neck. When she turned Frank could see her golden eyes. Bingo. He averted his eyes pretending to be interested in a case of rings but still listening in.

"It is certainly beautiful," Arion said.

"One of a kind," the man told her.

"I'll have to come back for it. You know how it is. Gotta see everything," she chuckled.

"But of course. But I promise you won't find anything like it or better prices."

Arion laughed again and Frank could hear the sound of heels walking. He looked up quickly to be sure he wouldn't lose her when he found her right in front of him. She glared at him but a smile was on her face as she leaned past him to examine the rings. That's when Frank felt something press against his side.

"Walk with me," Arion told him in a sweet voice but despite her tone it wasn't a question. Arion linked her arm through his, her second hand meanwhile held the small gun pressed against his side. Arion smiled at people and laughed at Frank like they were having a friendly conversation as she led him to the back of the convention and down a hall out of sight. She let go of Frank and pushed him against the wall before she stood in front of him her gun still raised.

"What are you?" She demanded. "Cop? FBI? What?"

Frank didn't reply.

"Neither... Most try to talk me down... So what are you?"

Frank said nothing.

"Security? No no. I got it!" she said suddenly. "Bounty hunter."

Frank said nothing but the look on his face must have given him up.

"So, you are a bounty hunter."

"Got a problem with that?" Frank said finally.

"You can speak," She smiled. "And no I don't. A bounty hunter is just what I need."


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