Assassinate the 104th (New)

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Reina: Here's the newer version of Assassinate the 104th... And to be honest, Mikasa is scarier in this story than in the previous version.

Asashin means Assassin

Chapter 1: My name is Asashin

"This can't be happening", I whispered quietly. From alcove in the rock, I could see my house getting surrounded by members of the Military Police. My father came out to meet them, while my mother, who left me in this spot while we were picking berries, ran to warn my father of what was going to happen. I wanted to go to my father, but I remained where I was.

A man in a brown jacket went up to my dad, and muttered something to him. My father shook his head and crossed his arms. My mother tried to take him away, but the military man took a rifle out and shot my dad. Seeing this caused my heart to stop, and I was rooted to the spot. My mother screamed and grabbed my father's limp body. In anger, she pulled a knife out and threw it at the man, who fell to the ground. Another man came up and hit my mother in the head. She crumpled to the ground, holding my father. As the men picked up their bodies, one of the younger soldiers pointed in my direction. Fearing the worst, I wiggled out of the crevice and sped off into the nearby forest, praying that I wouldn't be caught or spotted.


After a week of hiding, I traveled to my home, only to see it in ruin. I can remember falling to my knees, crying and screaming for my loss. I also pounded the ground hard, hoping that this wasn't real. I had no other relatives who could hide me, and if anyone found me, I would probably be turned over to the Military Police. I stared back up at the ashes. This was the place where I had grown up. Where I was a happy child. Where my parents taught me. Where they were murdered. This was the place that my life had disappeared. In that moment, the child Mikasa Ackerman was dead to me. I was now a mere shell of a human, and only one thought crossed my mind- I will make everybody pay.

I woke up with a start. Growling, I flung my pillow at the wall. Stupid emotions. They always screw everything up.

I laid back on my bed, running a list of things I had to do today. Seeing that I didn't have anything to do or anyone to kill right now, I frowned. I loved killing people. I loved sneaking up on them, and assassinating them in multiple ways. I loved hearing them cry out in pain. My skills as an assassin were in high demand. The underground (and the rich society, on a few occasions) would constantly seek me out to eliminate their rivals or those who have crossed them. Every job I took ended in perfect results. I have never messed up. I was the Asashin, the Grin Reaper.

Yet I've made my fair share of enemies at the same time. Many of my enemies were jealous of my skill. Others were angry that I killed their prey. And a few wanted me to pay for my crimes. Ten people had been sent to kill me. None have returned successful. All of them dead. Since then, the underground has more or less left me alone.

It was a different story for the people of Wall Rose and most of Wall Sina (Wall Maria had fallen down a few years ago). To them, I was a myth. A mere shadow. I was a horror story told to children to make them behave. I was a ghost story to prevent people from sleeping at night.

I slipped out of bed and put on my outfit. It was a black shirt, with black pants and a black jacket with matching black boots. They black jacket was similar to the Survey Corps jacket, with red and black wings on a dark grey shield. I also had a black thief mask that covered my eyes, and a black wrap that covered my mouth. Smirking, I opened the window and jumped out, landing on top of another building. The sun was setting. It was the perfect time to go find someone who wants a hit man (or hit woman). It is also a few hours away from being the perfect time to slay my victims.

As I ran on, I thought about the dream I had. It had been six years since my parents have been dead. I had been hiding for six months after their death, moving from place to place as often as I could. I began my assassination training in the underground with some thugs after I was sure that the Military Police had given up their search for me. It's amazing how such a strong organization with plenty of pride and resources cannot find a person like me. Then again, I did hide underground...

I kept running and thinking. I thought about my parents. I thought about my father's smile. I thought about my mother's willingness to teach my how to fight. I thought about the happy life that was taken away from me. Clenching my fist, I shoved those thoughts away to focus on the task at hand. I wasn't Mikasa Ackerman. I was Asashin, the best assassin in the underground.

I sighed. I missed my parents and I knew that they wouldn't approve of my lifestyle, but that was the past and I can't exactly bring them back. So I moved on, for the most part.

Now to find someone to kill.

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