100 Parts

16 8 0

Reina: To commemorate the 100 parts for this story, I present to thee....

Paint.net edits

Original photo for Leo and Takumi:

Original photo for Leo and Takumi:

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Oil Painting:

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Oil Painting:

Oil Painting:

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Original photo of Chrom:

Dents/Water: (Dunno why his face looks like Marth

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Dents/Water: (Dunno why his face looks like Marth

Dents/Water: (Dunno why his face looks like Marth

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And finally, pencil sketch:

There's more options to use, and you can blend them together for fun

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There's more options to use, and you can blend them together for fun....

This is Frosted Glass and Tiles:

This is Frosted Glass and Tiles:

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