Can't Pick a Cover

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Reina: Argh!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrom: Reina?

Leo: Admin, are you alright?

Reina: No.

Marth: What's wrong?

Reina: I can't pick a cover for The Angel's Flight....

Takumi: You mean the one with Reiko and that psycho Anabiel?

Reina: Yeah

Leo and Takumi: Oh.....

Chrom: Use a photo of Anabiel and Reiko glaring at each other.

Reina: 💢 I don't have a photo of Anabiel and Reiko...

Marth: What about Iaphyx and Rogue?

Reina: 💢 I don't have piictures of them as well.... And I can't use Pit exactly... I'll use Dark, but he needs to have people with him.

Ike: *walks in* How about you draw a picture of Dark Pit with Anabiel and Reiko, with Rogue, Iaphyx and Pit in the background....

Reina: ..... I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!! *bangs head on table*

Chrom: There there admin.

Ike: -_-  Just draw the picture.

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