More Pokemon Go stuff

31 10 25

Well, I found some stuff out about Pokemon:

1. Poke stops are either churches or landmarks/statues of sorts. In either words, you'd have a lot of supplies in places with landmarks, like DC or Philadelphia.

2. Pokemon gyms are a few restaurant chains. Not all are though.

3. If two people are in the same spot, they could potentially get the same Pokemon. I got an Eevee and so did someone else, but since they were a higher level than me, their Eevee had a CP of 100 or so.

4. Some water Pokemon are found near water.

5. Eggs require different differences to hatch. One egg required 5 Km, and another required 2 Km

6. To evolve a Magikarp, you need 400 candies.

7. To evolve a Pidgey you need 12

8. Dratini and Eevee require 25 to evolve.

9. Some of the others require 50

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