Nintendo Nightmares (5)

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Reina: This is the first chapter without Chris's lovely and highly repetitive intro.

The colon represents the author's note as it originally appeared.

: There are a lot of events that occur before and during this round of the game, so I decided to split it up into two chapters to give the last round of the game its own chapter.

Chapter 5: Prelude to the Final Round


5:47 pm

"Chris?" Mike asked as he entered my workspace in our house. It was situated in the shed outside in the backyard, and I had claimed it as my own place. There have been times that Mike would go to look for me and find me sleeping over my work in the shed. He claims that one time I fell asleep standing up, but I don't remember that. I do remember punching him by accident, though.

"Over here," I waved behind the pile of gears. I was attempting to fix Saki, as I had given up on Roy for the moment and was too lazy to go inside and act like a normal person.

Mike walked up to me and frowned. "You didn't answer my calls this morning."

"I know."

"You didn't respond to my texts either."

"I know."

"And you didn't answer when I asked to enter the house."

"I know."

"And you didn't answer Jeremy's call."

"I know that too."

"He also texted you."

"I'm kinda busy now, Mike," I replied as I was tapping a panel on Roy's back, having given up on Saki again.

"Chris, can't you li-"


I gasped. Mike's mouth was opened mid-sentence as we gazed at what I had found behind the panel.

11:15 pm

"What part of bringing the animatronics back involved me dragging them back myself?" I muttered as I was placing Roy in his spot in the museum. I managed to fix Roy and Vaati, and I didn't get killed when they were switched on. Mike, however, didn't see this as a happy thing, and let me borrow his car so I could go to work. (I had to give it back immediately, though.) It also didn't help that Mike told me that he was going to a training or something like that in another town for a few days. Nor did it help that Jeremy was visiting his cousins right now and wasn't coming back for a week or two. Basically, I was alone for a while, because my uncle is also out of town for something too. Lovely.

I sighed and focused on my work. Vaati has already been put in place, and I had to finish the last steps to make sure that Roy will be able to function.

"There," I muttered as I plugged the power in and stood up. "Done. Now I have almost an hour to kill..."

As I turned, someone grabbed my arm. I shrieked, and spun around, ready to punch the person behind me.

Roy dodged my punch and smiled. "Hi there, Chris!"

I shrieked again and fell back a bit, snatching my hand away. Roy frowned as he stepped closer.

"Chris, I'm not going to hurt you," the animatronic stated quietly.

"How can I trust that you won't hurt me? You just randomly woke up!"

"Not if it was a part of my programming."

"What?" I calmed down and looked at Roy carefully. "What do you mean by that?"

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