My OCs

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Reina: Today I'm going to introduce my OCs. I actually have a bunch, but today I'm introducing my favorite five. (Don't tell that to my other OCs!)

I'll introduce them by name and give a short description of them, and say what fandom they fall under.

Here we go!

1st OC

Name: Lady Viktoryia Isabela Lobo Sasaki (She goes by Isa).

Fandom: Smash Bros (although she hangs out with the Fire Emblem crew)

Summary: A shapeshifter adopted by a nobleman. An excellent fighter, but she has a super high metabolism. She's also super stubborn and will rush headfirst into danger.

Isa: Reina, why the hell did you make me a noblewoman?

Reina: So that you would have someone that you know at Smash Manor.

Isa: It would have made more sense if I was a mercenary!

Reina: But it wouldn't be as fun!

Isa: *throws a dagger at Reina and sits to the side*

Reina: Ok, so I also forgot to mention the anger management issues and her habit of throwing stuff... Ok, so moving on to the next OC...

2nd OC

Name: Princess Alice of the Demons (goes by Alicia de Nyx)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda

Summary: Heir to the Demon throne, she's a strong-willed woman who keeps to herself. She'll occasionally open up to others, but she's easy to anger if you push her buttons.

Alicia: ...

Reina: What did I forget this time?

Alicia: ...

Reina: Um, Alicia?

Alicia: ...

Reina: Earth to Alicia...

Alicia: Magic. You forgot to mention my abilities in the battlefield and how I'm Vaati's right hand woman. *walks away and sits next to Isa*

Reina: ... Okay then. OC #3

3rd OC

Name: Reiko

Fandom: Kid Icarus

Summary: An energetic angel who works for the goddess of night, Nyx (another OC for Kid Icarus, but based on the Greek Goddess Nyx... Or loosely inspired by). Reiko is the sister of Pit, and she will do anything to protect him.

Reiko: Reina-chan! *tackles Reina and squeezes hard*

Reina: Let go of me!!

Reiko: Nope!

Reina: Stop!!!!

Reiko: Haha, nope!

Reina: *shoves Reiko away* Moving on...

4th OC: Anabiel

Fandom: Kid Icarus

Description: A sniper angel. She is Reiko's counterpart, as she is her evil reflection come to life. Despite the fact that both she and Dark Pit are copies, they antagonize each other.

Anabiel: *storms in* That is a horrible description for me.

Reina: What was I supposed to say?

Anabiel: That I'm better than everyone.

Isa: You're so not better than me!

Alicia: That is merely a matter of opinion.

Anabiel: Shut it.

Isa: Nope.

Alicia: Let's be quiet and let Reina finish talking.

Reina: .... Okay then....

5th OC: Christina Schmidt (goes by Chris)

Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's and Super Smash Bros

Description: A mechanic who can build robots. She was the Night Guard of Nintendo's Museum until it was attacked by Ganondorf.

Chris: *enters*

Anabiel: You're the girl who works with evil robots!

Chris: Um, actually-

Anabiel: *runs to kill the animatronics*

*Chris, Reiko, and Isa chase after Anabiel to stop her*

Reina: Aren't you going to join them, Alicia?

Alicia: Too much work.

Reina: ....

Alicia: *teleports away*

Reina: So those were my OCs. I'll upload their photos later when I draw them.

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