Song Guessing

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A few months ago I got addicted to Evillious Chronicles. Eventually, I found that they were on iTunes and started to slowly buy the songs. However, the song titles are translated weirdly, so I will occasionally buy the wrong song.

Here to help me today are Marth and Chrom because they have nothing better to do right now.

Marth: Well, actually- *feet gets stepped on by Chrom* Ow!

Chrom: Let's start!

English Name: Bystander

Reina: The singer can't do anything and grows frustrated.

Japanese Title: Daughter of White

Song summary: Basically, it talks about a girl who was lonely all of her life until she got a friend that ended up causing the Daughter of Evil song. Distraught, the girl joins a covenant, and upon discovering the former queen, attempts to stab her, but gives up. The song is actually interconnected with the other songs in the Daughter of Evil story, so this is just a part of the story in a nutshell.

Reina: I was almost on mark. However, I knew what this song right away due to the fact that this is the only song that uses Yowane Haku.

Chrom: Isn't that cheating?

Reina: Uh, no.

Marth: Didn't celebrate when you saw the song?

Reina: ....

Marth: Okay...

Reina: Song number 2!

English Name: Dance with Asmodeus

Reina: Maybe it's about a woman who's nervous and has to dance with a guy named Asmodeus.

Japanese Title: The Lunacy of Duke Venomania

Song Summary: Duke Venomania builds a harem due to a contract he makes with a demon. However, he ends up getting killed by a guy who dresses as a girl.

Reina: Uh...

Chrom: That's new.

Marth: So Karchess Crim kills him? Huh.

Reina: Why did he say dance though?

Chrom: Well, Venomania does say, "Shall we dance?" in the intro. At in the Seven Crimes and Punishments version.

Marth: Asmodeus is the demon of lust, and Luxuria is what the sin is called in Latin.

Reina: Thanks guys. I guess.

Also, I refuse to link the video here, as I view it as inappropriate. And no, I'm not dragging Link here. Moving on.

English Name: Mammon's Court

Reina: A guy throws a party and everyone comes to the court.

Japanese Name: Judgement of Corruption

Song Summary: A guy is an evil judge who convicts the innocent and takes bribes from the wealthy to help his daughter, who can't walk. People get fed up, so they start a revolution and set his house on fire. He is given a chance at redemption, but he's too greedy to accept, so he goes to hell.

Chrom: I was not expecting that.

Reina: Well, Mammon is the patron of greed, and the dude's name is Gallerian Marlon.

Marth: What kind of person names their kid Gallerian Marlon?

Reina: Mothy.

Chrom: Other than Mothy.

Reina: Gallerian's parents.

Chrom: ....

Marth: Moving on....

Song name: The End of Hansel

Reina: Ooh, this is where the kid Hansel dies after he releases the sins into the world!

Japanese title: Fifth Pierrot

Song Summary: It's about a kid who is a serial killer clown and works for an evil Santa, only to be killed by a sniper after he was offered a chance to escape from evil Santa. The song is more complicated than this description. And Len dies. Again.

Chrom: Dang, you were really off!

Reina: Chrom.

Chrom: Yes?

Reina: Shut up.

Chrom: No.

Reina: Grr....

Marth: Well, Lemy is Hansël reincarnated.

Reina: Thank you!

Chrom: As long as we don't confuse the English title with another song, named "Boy of the End: Hansel," we'll be fine.

Reina: Yeah.

Marth: But yeah, you're really off~.

Chrom: The song where Hansel dies doesn't exist yet. We only have the one where he and Gretel turn evil and kill their parents.

Reina: I hate you both!!

Chrom: You say that, but-

Reina: Just shut up.


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