An Awkward Line

21 7 15

Reina: *typing out 1920's Snow White for Super Smash Bros Fairy Tales*

Chrom: *reads over my shoulder* Eww!!!!

Reina: What?

Chrom: Cia brought a 19 year-old peach with her?

Reina: ....

Chrom: That's just gross!!!!

Reina: Cia bringing Princess Peach with her - it's just that Peach is 19 in this story.

Chrom: Oh... Still weird.

Reina: *elbows Chrom* I'm writing the story! If ya don't like it, then go write your own and put it in Super Smash Bros Fairy Tales or Fire Emblem Fairy Tales....

Chrom: *gets an idea and leaves*

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