Nintendo Nightmares (9)

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Reina: Am I mean to Chris? She's lost her poor mind....

Annnnd I messed up someone's description.

Chapter 9: Roy's Quest


My name is Roy Phaere, and I was an average human teenager. Or, at least, that's what I was told I was when I first woke up in the Museum. I don't have any memories from my previous life, and I've been dying to know what caused me to be an animatronic. I reside at Nintendo's with several other people who remember bits of their past lives. Everything was normal - until I got involved in the Accident.

Chris, the newest Night Guard at Nintendo's, activated me a few days ago. However, a battle broke out two days later, and Chris is gone. Bowser and Ganondorf took over the Museum, forcing the rest of us to go into hiding. At the moment, no one can enter or exit the Museum, but I intend to find Chris as soon as I can.


I was sitting down, playing Blackjack with Dark Pit at a chipped table, and Marth was guarding the perimeter with Ike and Sonic. Link had been pacing around the old Freddy's restaurant for the past hour, and Snake looked about ready to smack him any second. Snake coughed, and Link looked up.

"What?" He snapped at the soldier.

"Stop pacing around, kid. You're going to create a hole in the carpet."

"It's not like I'm going to make the place any worse," Link scoffed.

Unfortunately, Link was right. Walking a hole in the ground was the least that this abandoned restaurant had seen. Most of the lights weren't working, and those that did were coated in cobwebs. Chairs were strewn on the floor, and the tables were broken in some form or fashion. The arcade games were neglected, and party streamers were crumpled on the ground. The stage had caved in long ago, and rust covered Pirate Cove. Some of the floor had mold on it, but Samus and Squirtle somehow managed to get the mold off. It was the least ideal place to hide, but with Zelda almost dying, we had no choice.

Rosalina emerged from Pirate Cove with Bayonetta. "I bring forth good news."

I perked up. "What is it?"

"We've stabilized Zelda's condition. She'll survive."

Link breathed out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear."

Dark Pit smirked at Link. "Now you can freak out about Chris."

Link shot him a glare. We all know that Link cared a lot about Chris, but at the moment, everyone was concerned about Chris's location.

Bayonetta looked over at Dark Pit. "We have find Chris. There's no way that she'll survive on her own with Bowser and Ganondorf out there."

Snake nodded. "We have to go find her. I already tried looking for her status online, but her Facebook hasn't been updated, her Twitter is silent, she doesn't have a Snapchat, Myspace is practically dead, I don't know what her Tumblr account is, I don't think she has a Wattpad, she isn't a member of any other online forms, and the latest photo on her Instagram is of a motorized duck she built a week ago."

Pit, who had been watching Link pace the room, frowned. "Why would you build a motorized duck?"

I shrugged. "Because she can."

"How do you know she has all of these accounts?" Dark Pit asked.

"I merely typed her name in," Snake retorted. "I didn't hack Facebook to find her."

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