The Sparrow Flies South....

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Reina: *barges in* It's official!!!!

Chrom: What's official?

Reina: The next book will be "The Sparrow Flies South For the Winter" *punches Jason Todd*

Jason: OW!!!!!!!

Ike: *snickers*

Roy: *rolls eyes* Anything else new?

Reina: Yeah. We're getting more people to join us.

Roy: .....

Reina: Let's see... I got Chrom, Marth, Ike, Roy, Leo, Takumi, Elluka, and my OCs.... Shiro, Keith, and Lance from Voltron: Legendary Defender will join us.... So will the male Robins....

Jason: *groans*

Reina: Shut up. Anyhow.... Oh yeah! Pit and Dark might come by..... So will Corrin, Robin, Zelda, Link.... And a few others...

Chrom: Any of those lovely Skulduggery characters?

Reina: Maybe.

Marth: Don't invite Scrapegrace.

Reina: Scrapegrace? Spew! No.

Ike: Good.

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