Phantom Butler

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Reina: Another one of my stories that migrated to Wattpad. I'm also writing this one in Spanish

Chapter 1: His Butler, Competent


"My lord, it is time to wake up," my butler Vaati told me.

"Just five more minutes," I replied sleepily.

A bucket of cold water was dumped on my face. Angered, I bolted out of my bed. "What was that for? There are other ways to wake someone up, Vaati!"

My butler shrugged. "Groose suggested that I do that."

I put the pillow over my face and laid back down. "Of course he did."

"My lord," my butler began. "Do you know what day today is?"

"I don't care," was my muffled response.

"Today is the day that Lady Palutena is coming."

I bolted out my bed again. "Come again?"

Vaati gave me a sly grin. "It's interesting to see someone as noble like you completely forget about someone as important as Palutena visiting you."

"Shut up and tell the others to get ready," I grumbled.

Vaati bowed with a sly smile. "Yes, my lord."

Upon changing into the outfit that Vaati laid out for me (a white shirt under a dark green coat with gold buttons, black pants, and black shoes), I walked down the stairs of my mansion. I didn't see Vaati anywhere, so I assumed that he was helping Ike with cooking.

Before I reached the bottom of the stairs, a maid in a dark green dress and a white apron tackled me, causing me to fall backwards. After catching my breath, I looked at my maid.


"Link!" She hugged me harder. I gasped for air. "L-l-let me go..."

Mist let go. "Sorry! It's just... I managed to clean the room without accidentally destroying anything!"

I smiled. "Good for you." Mist had a tendency to break things, but in her defense, the items seemed to slip when she was within five feet of them. But there were occasions were nothing broke, and I was glad that today was one of those days.

Mist got back up. "I have to go check on the plates." She curtsied and left the room. I slowly got back up and brushed the dirt off of me.

Where is Shulk? I asked myself. Shulk was the gardner, and there were occasions where Shulk had a habit of disappearing. That bugged me a lot, as he disappeared when he was mostly needed.

"Vaati?" I asked.

My butler slipped in. "You rang, my lord?"

"Where is Shulk?"

"Shulk is preparing the garden."

"Thank you. Did Ike finish cooking?"

My butler nodded. "Yes... Ike nearly made the kitchen explode though."


"Dynamite," Vaati replied unhappily.

"I see..." I nodded. "Make sure that everything is in order."

Vaati bowed. "Yes, my lord." With that, he slipped away.

I walked to the parlor and sat down, thinking over several events. Ike had a habit of destroying things like Mist. But as they were siblings, I guess that it must run in their family...

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